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  • So i have a problem creating a 4-way top down movement. My player (black box) gets stuck on the edges and also cant move along the wall on all 4 sides. How do i make this work also. When you press the direction player has to move in that direction until it hits the wall, you also cant change direction mid movement, only when he hits the wall.



  • Exactly like that i couldnt figure this out for the life of me

  • I already tryed that and the problem i get is when colliding with the wall (solid object). If i do on collison with another object (wall) > Set "Variable" to None. The collision is not precise and i get a 1 to 20px gap bettween the object and the wall. Any idea on how to fix that. I can post the Capx file if that helps?

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  • Yea but that still dosnet fix the issues where i want the object to keep moving in a direction until it hits a wall, without holding down the key. I would like to make it so that if i press Right arrow, object is gona move to the right until it hits a wall.

  • I would like some help on creating 4-way top down movement, where if you press any of the 4 directions the object moves in that direction until it hits a wall. For some reason i can't figure this out. Thank you in advance

  • What i mean by the title is if i have an object that everytick gets its position to mouse.x and mouse.y. I know how to do that but how do i make object only move in a circle. So it has a fixed circle path that changes on the position of the mouse. In other words if there is a center point and object rotates around it but gets its position on the mouse position.

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Member since 24 Aug, 2014

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