nomisay's Recent Forum Activity

  • I'm looking to add the colours red and blue as sort of a vertical or horizontal blur. I don't want to create the effect and just add it as an image.

    I need to create the effect so that it will work as an effect on each layer.

  • I see - that works - but now my timer countdown doesn't work. Is there a simple way to add a text countdown?


  • So, I want to collide with an item, and then it will start a countdown timer on my UI.

    I already have the timer that works on collision - but the problem is that it doesn't restart when I collide again - and it doesn't stop when it gets to 0.

    I'm basically turning a light on, and I need the player to know how long is left before the light turns off.

  • Still not working unfortunately. The animations just stop if I'm holding right and jump at the same time.

  • If I press left or right mid-jump, the animation is interrupted by the looks of things.

  • This is what it looks like now.

  • Thanks for getting back to me.

    Oh sorry, I used Platform on Stopped - which worked!

    Thanks man!


    The only other issue I'm still having is than when I land, after the jump and fall animation, if I'm holding right, it doesn't play any animation at all.

  • My character sprite has animations for idle, jump, falling and running.

    If you switch between these too quickly, they get stuck.

    So if I'm running left, and then I quickly run right, it will get stuck in Idle animation.

    Any ideas why this would happen?

  • Sorry - I'm a little confused. Here's what I have:

  • I've got an sprite animation that runs alongside my character running.

    When he stops running, I need this other animation to stop, but only after it completes it's cycle.

    Is this possible?

    So, basically, upon key release, animation continues and then stops once it's complete.

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  • This shouldn't be hard at all.

    I'm just having a little trouble implementing a sprite perfectly.

    Hit me up if you're able to help today!

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Member since 20 Aug, 2014

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