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  • > Simply create a rectangular sprite the same size as your character, make it invisible.

    > Add Pin behavior to your character, on start of layout pin it to that sprite.

    > Remove Platform behavior from your character and add it to that invisible sprite.


    As recommended in Ashley's top tutorial (discussed on page 4).

    Thanks for that - the explanation makes a lot more sense. The only problem I'm having now is that I can't seem to line up the box to the sprite animation - so the character won't stand directly on the solid floor? Really strange.

  • If you follow the recommended method of using an invisible sprite with no animations as the collision and movement sprite, then pin the animation sprite to this, you would likely not have such problems.

    I see - do you have a link to a tutorial?

  • Hmm, even making each frame the same size, still doesn't fix it :/

    I can't use an anchor, because the sprite is my character - it needs to move

  • So basically, my sprite was fine - now I've replaced it with a new sprite, every loop, half way through, my sprite shoots through the floor and then back up again?

    I'm not sure why.

    Could it be something to do with the fact that the 3rd frame is slightly shorter in height?

  • Thanks - Figured out how to add it.

    Thanks so much!

  • I have managed to fade the text in upon collision.

    But I want the text to fade away the further I am away from it.

    So, the closer I get, the more visible, the further away, the less visible.

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  • So - I got my controller working finally - but the running and jumping is a lot slower than it should be - so I can't make jumps I need to.

    Is there a reason for this?


  • I'm very new to this, so this may take a while to figure out haha. But thanks.

  • So basically, if my player falls, he is reset to the start position.

    The problem is, if the player is jumping from a different platform, he'll still be reset to the start platform.

    How do I change it so that you are reset to the last platform you were standing on?

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Member since 20 Aug, 2014

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