nomisay's Forum Posts

  • I'm looking to add the colours red and blue as sort of a vertical or horizontal blur. I don't want to create the effect and just add it as an image.

    I need to create the effect so that it will work as an effect on each layer.

  • I see - that works - but now my timer countdown doesn't work. Is there a simple way to add a text countdown?


  • So, I want to collide with an item, and then it will start a countdown timer on my UI.

    I already have the timer that works on collision - but the problem is that it doesn't restart when I collide again - and it doesn't stop when it gets to 0.

    I'm basically turning a light on, and I need the player to know how long is left before the light turns off.

  • Still not working unfortunately. The animations just stop if I'm holding right and jump at the same time.

  • If I press left or right mid-jump, the animation is interrupted by the looks of things.

  • This is what it looks like now.

  • Thanks for getting back to me.

    Oh sorry, I used Platform on Stopped - which worked!

    Thanks man!


    The only other issue I'm still having is than when I land, after the jump and fall animation, if I'm holding right, it doesn't play any animation at all.

  • My character sprite has animations for idle, jump, falling and running.

    If you switch between these too quickly, they get stuck.

    So if I'm running left, and then I quickly run right, it will get stuck in Idle animation.

    Any ideas why this would happen?

  • Sorry - I'm a little confused. Here's what I have:

  • I've got an sprite animation that runs alongside my character running.

    When he stops running, I need this other animation to stop, but only after it completes it's cycle.

    Is this possible?

    So, basically, upon key release, animation continues and then stops once it's complete.

  • This shouldn't be hard at all.

    I'm just having a little trouble implementing a sprite perfectly.

    Hit me up if you're able to help today!

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  • > Simply create a rectangular sprite the same size as your character, make it invisible.

    > Add Pin behavior to your character, on start of layout pin it to that sprite.

    > Remove Platform behavior from your character and add it to that invisible sprite.


    As recommended in Ashley's top tutorial (discussed on page 4).

    Thanks for that - the explanation makes a lot more sense. The only problem I'm having now is that I can't seem to line up the box to the sprite animation - so the character won't stand directly on the solid floor? Really strange.

  • If you follow the recommended method of using an invisible sprite with no animations as the collision and movement sprite, then pin the animation sprite to this, you would likely not have such problems.

    I see - do you have a link to a tutorial?

  • Hmm, even making each frame the same size, still doesn't fix it :/

    I can't use an anchor, because the sprite is my character - it needs to move