lucid, thanks for the reply.
Before sending the project, I'll triple check my code, as the problem explained above is dependant on a family regrouping SCML object. Only the SCML objects in the family weren't diplayed. Others are working well.
I just removed the objects from the family and they appeared normally.
As the code of the project didn't change, I guess there should be some problem with how SCML families are managed.
Further bug reports: the two bugs I hope would be fixed don't seem to be fixed.
1) When I place a scml object on a layout, by default it is scaled to about 1000%. I have to add an action asking to make its scale to 1.
2) If I have an SCML object on a layout, and on start of layoutI delete it, then create another instance of it later, the instance is actually created (visible in the debug mode) but will never be visible, even though its visible property in the debugger is True.
[EDIT] Note that if I wait 0.1 second before deleting it, it will be created normally afterwards. But if I wait only 0, it will not be.
Those two bugs are present on the february version of the plug-in as well as on the newest plugin you updated a few hours ago.
Or maybe these aren't bugs and I'm doing something wrong ?
Thanks ! :)