I am planning to do a little sandbox to play around with pattern creation, random landscape generation and so on, kind of an RTS-type sandbox-game (maybe it will evolve into a full game over time).
For that reason I want to create a tiled landscape (isometric angle of view). Something that looks not exactly but alot like this in the end (I made it to visualize the style) :
<img src="http://www.strongground.de/bunker/images/diorama.png">
My idea is to use an array, where the data for the level is stored (and later randomly generated before being stored into the array). My first step would be the generation of a terrain with an array like this:
int Matrix[4][4]={{1, 2, 1, 1},
{2, 2, 2, 1},
{1, 2, 1, 1},
{1, 1, 2, 1}};[/code:2ne1qc45]
In this small example, it would be a tiny map with 4x4 tiles, of which tiles with identifier 1 are desert-tiles, and 2 are grass-tiles. Like these: <img src="http://www.strongground.de/bunker/images/tile_desert.png"><img src="http://www.strongground.de/bunker/images/tile_grass.png">
Then, according to the array, different sprites would be placed, another problem because I don't exactly know how to dynamically place sprites yet.
So much for my first few questions (although not directly asked). You think you can help me getting this to work? : )
Best regards,
Hey this looks good, the one guy you should ask is Vdrake he seems to know this RTS stuff well