Testing Game Ideas using Prototypes in Construct

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Published on 13 Dec, 2024. Last updated 14 Dec, 2024

Creating an Avatar, Monster, Treasure, and Walls!

To create a gamer's character (aka "avatar"), we need to define a ""sprite", and to do that, we must have an image. We could load an image from our hard drive — but that means, we must either make our own sprite using our image editing program (if we have such) OR find some graphics we could "freely" use from the Internet (such as "Game-Icons.net", "CraftPix.net", OR "GameDevMarket.net").

  • Step #3: Let's drag four "wall" icons onto the "play area". Re-size each to fit the Northern, Eastern, Southern, and Western boundaries of the layout. Next, let's add two interior walls, and re-size those so that our avatar can squeeze between them.
  • Step #4: Place a monster icon and then a treasure icon anywhere in the gaming area. Compare what you've accomplished in these examples:

Construct2 Steps #3 & #4 example

Construct3 Steps #3 & #4 example

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