Testing Game Ideas using Prototypes in Construct

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Published on 13 Dec, 2024. Last updated 14 Dec, 2024

Making our Avatar move, jiggle, and bump!

Step #5: Click your avatar icon in the right-hand "Projects Panel > Object Type Properties" folder, and you'll see all the information about this avatar in the left-hand Panel called "Object Type Properties". Click on the link "Add / Edit Behaviors". A pop-up appears, then click "Add New". Another pop-up opens with all the possible things this sprite can do. Search for "8-Directions" — or simply type "8" in the search box at the top. Once you've found the "8-Directions" behavior, double-click it. This behavior becomes a part of our avatar's abilities.

Test what we have so far! At the very top of our "Construct2 editor", there is an arrow to play our game and a "bug symbol" for debugging things that don't work correctly. In Construct3, there's only a "play arrow (as a drop-down)". Click either its play or debug option. The Browser will open. Use your keyboard "arrow keys" and watch your avatar's response. What did you discover? My avatar can walk through walls, monsters, and escape the entire gaming area!! That's NOT what I WANTED ... Let's fix that.

Step #6: Our avatar needs a few more "behaviors". Let's first restrict it to the gameboard boundaries. Go and add another "New Behavior" called "Bound to layout"; our avatar now stops at the gameboard edges. BUT, it's still walking into the walls. So, let's select the "wall" icon in the "Project Panel > Object Types", you'll notice that clicking here selects all the walls inside the gaming area. GREAT! Our walls need the "Solid" behavior. You remember how to add a behavior, RIGHT? (Ok, see step #5 above ...)

Exercise: Make your avatar run around the gaming arena and see what happens whenever it collides with a wall. Compare what you've accomplished to these lesson examples:

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