Creating "Card Decks" in Construct

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Published on 31 Aug, 2024. Last updated 2 Sep, 2024

Let’s learn how to create, shuffle, and use a "Deck of Cards" managed by Combat Engine #1 - 5 seconds Comparison. I use several combat engine systems and game mechanics in my gaming series; and, I would like to share this tweak on CE#1 (click the link to review all of them!).

"Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink."

A quote from "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (1834) seemed appropriate here. As of August 2024, there aren't any "Poker Card Deck" construction tutorials nor any assets for sale in the Construct Asset Store. Perhaps it's because betting and gambling games are typically rated 13+? If a developer takes the time to make a game, I'm certain they want to reach the largest consumer audience possible, RIGHT? There are only a couple of tutorials about "How to flip 3D cards", and "Permutation Tables" (who would have ever thought to look there? ;) they're both worth the time spent reading them. But I digress! I created the "5-Second" combat engine to help with various card games such as "Magic The Gathering", "Poker", "Tarot Readings", and "Black Jack". My Role-Playing Games (RPGs) adventures always have areas for an avatar to spend their recently won treasures. So, in the "Inns and Taverns", characters can wager their riches in games of "Black Jack" and various races (play those demos here! ).

As TELLES0808 said in their tutorial (paraphrased), "You can make a poker game, giving each card an ID, where the ID can set up the animation frame position and show the correct card face. Now, you can shuffle those cards without worrying about destroying any of them." (Yeap! "That's all she wrote!")

Let's begin with a new Construct3 (or 2) project. I prefer using Construct3 with all its expanded new HTML features. Here are the project features we'll create:

  • A stand-alone "Combat Engine" using the "5-Second" combat engine game mechanics.
  • Use Construct3 HTML elements and HTML Layers.
  • No external plugins are used; only native Construct3 HTML elements.
  • W3CSS integration which is thousands of bytes smaller than BootStrap with all its features included!
  • Dynamically generated "heads up display" (HUD) feedback during each game turn.
  • Source Code (for both Construct2 and Construct3) is briefly reviewed here and available in both the "Building Combat Engines for Browser Games" workshop's eBook and in the Asset Store.

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