Content tagged rpg

Short for "role playing game". A role playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting.

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Trigger Random Encounters like in Pokèmon (C2+C3)
5 favourites

My goal was to create a system, where you just need to fill in all possible encounters of a zone and the associated probabilities. The system automatically work...

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Creating RPG-style NPCs
34 favourites

Welcome to this NPC tutorial – now complete and with the example project included! The aim of this is to show you how to create a system to control multiple typ...


In this tutorial, we’re going to be looking at adding a Line of Sight-based system where an NPC can notice the player and trigger an action. It will function in...

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Building an RPG-Style Inventory
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Welcome to this tutorial covering how to make a robust inventory system. In any game which uses items, you'll usually need some way for the player to view and u...

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Create an inventory with crafting station
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This video shows how to create an advanced inventory with crafting possibilities for multiple characters. Contact me on Fiverr if you want further assistance :

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Turn Based RPG Status Conditions (Turn Skips) Pt.1
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This time, we'll make a "Turn Skip". Which is exactly what it sounds like; A Status Effect/Condition that causes the affected character to have their turn skipp...

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A Basic Turn-Based Battle System
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Welcome to the first in a series of tutorials about building up a turn-based battle system. This tutorial will eventually become part of a larger course coverin...

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Turn-Based Battle - Accuracy Checks
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This tutorial builds on the last tutorial project. The basic structure is the same, but we'll be making some changes. If you've not seen the last tutorial, it's...

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Turn-Based Battle - Keyboard Controls & Textboxes
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Up until now, the mouse has been used to control the battle system. We're going to make some changes in this version to swap to keyboard controls and have a tex...

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Turn-Based Battle - Damage Calculations
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Damage Calculations can be as simple or as complicated as you need them to be. In Pokemon for example, a move's damage is calculated by a complex formula and is...