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Super Basic Battlin'
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Last week I talked about my current project – building a turn-based, Pokemon-inspired battle system. Step One for this inevitably long process has been a succes...

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Pokemonlike Batlle Screen
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Hey yall, just quick question for those who may have made a pokemon clone. My game has a battle scenario like pokemon. Would it be better to persist and just ch...

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Turn-Based Battle - Keyboard Controls & Textboxes
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Up until now, the mouse has been used to control the battle system. We're going to make some changes in this version to swap to keyboard controls and have a tex...

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Building a Turn-Based Battle System
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Start from the basics and create a fully functioning turn-based battle system similar to those seen in the Pokemon games. This course will start out with a simp...

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Turn-Based Battle - Damage Calculations
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Damage Calculations can be as simple or as complicated as you need them to be. In Pokemon for example, a move's damage is calculated by a complex formula and is...

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Turn-Based Battle - Damage Modifiers
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Going back to the Pokemon Calculation, the modifier adds in a load of other effects to change the damage output of an attack. They include things like effects d...

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Sistema de Batalha lateral RPG
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In this video teaching how to create a very simple side battle system as in the classic rpg games. C3p file available for download in the video description. Víd...

posted 3 years ago
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[WIP] Paper Mario-styled battle/badge system
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Lots of arrays, dictionaries, time in general. And I'm still nowhere near done with anything x). I watched one too many Paper Mario mod video, making me want to...

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