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Adding HTML News to any Construct project.
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This tutorial is a result of a recent forum post on how to accomplish this task. Since this is a pretty powerful method of keeping in touch with your playerbase...

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How to Make A HTML WebSite With Construct 3
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In the file attached you will learn how to make a Complete Website using Construct 3. This uses iframe and interate with other HTML pages in project bar , so yo...

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how to export to APK : "the easy and great way "
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1. You have to export your project to a HTML website in a folder. 2. Then go to the folder and open the HTML document with wordpad. 3. Then delete this: 4. Then...

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Blog Post
Design UIs with HTML and CSS in Construct
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HTML is great for designing user interfaces: It's powerful, flexible, and easy to develop with. And we'd know - we built all of Construct in the browser! In fac...

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We've previously done some Feature Focus blogs where we highlight some of the best features of Construct. This time around we're taking a slightly different app...

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As you can tell, I'm trying to make a simple website using Construct 3. I was doing it successfully, no less than a week ago (with no image problems), but now,...

posted 5 years ago
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I'm displaying an image carousel through an iframe on my hosted website. I have a button below the image slider and when it is clicked I would like to know what...

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Forum Topic
How do I Load URL with transparent background?
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I need to load a HTML page with transparent background, so I can create an image with a link and update this page how I want later. I hope someone can help me....

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Forum Topic
How do I export my game to website?
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So,in short I need to post my game at WIX.Com (it is website constructor) using iframe. At wix u can't just put your HTML-5 files and then execute them,cuz wix...

posted 5 years ago
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It's really simple I'm trying to use an iframe to navigate to my project directory which has webpage files in it and have iframe show the webpage at runtime. Ho...

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