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How do I....... ?
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How can I repeat the entire event without using every tick and every x second...When using system / repeat...The event is repeated many times at the same time a...

posted 1 months ago
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igniter system
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I want to make a firing system in my game. I have a launcher and I want to create an object in front of it every 5 seconds and make the object fall downwards. H...

posted 1 months ago
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How do I corretly use sprites as buttons?
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Instead of a standatd button object by using Touch Event -> On touched on appropriate sprite. The problem is that only the middle part of the sprite works as "O...

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Could you please help me solve one question? I have several instances of object A, some of these instances overlap instances of object B. I need to determine wh...

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I'm think this is the stupiest question I made here, but here's the problem. I have 3 objects. -Night mask (a black sprite I use to give a night effect). -Chara...

posted 29 days ago
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How do I add messages to game?
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Hey everyone. Hope you’re doing well out there. I’ve ended up in a creative block trying to solve this and figured I would ask you. In the game, I’d like the ab...

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Swinging momentum style grappling hook
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I'm trying to replicate and make an identical grappling hook just like the one from the video attached from a Terraria mod called overhaul. I've been working at...

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Vanpire Survivor style skill menu
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How do I make a functional skills menu in which when I reach a certain xp level I have the choice of 3 skills to choose from in the style of the Vampire Survivo...

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I have the rooms and room codes with the host and if the host disconnects kicks the other players in the room. Everything seems to be working except I don't kno...

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How do I split animation name into two strings?
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So, I have a card object that have a default animation as a back side of the card, and each card will have an element and a power. These elements and power are...

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