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This is the script that I want to integrate with Construct 2. Ysdk.Adv.ShowFullscreenAdv({. Callbacks: {. OnClose: Function() {. // some action after close. },...

posted 6 years ago
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Call external function from expression
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I'm use the example file "Loading script & WASM" from Construct 3. In the scriptfile "external.Js" i'm add a new function: Function testing() {. Return "ok it w...

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Callback mute all Sounds
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Good day. I got a problem. In the game, I have to implement 4 Callback functions, pause, resume, mute, unmute. I have to register all these callbacks in the ind...

posted 4 years ago
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What can I use as a simple event/callback system?
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When I opened Construct 3 after the last update, it warned me that the old "Function" plugin (a carryover from C2) is deprecated and may be removed. In my proje...

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