View a comprehensive history of all the Construct 3 SDK updates since the first release.

7 favourites
Add runtime event "beforelayoutstart"
4 favourites
Fix HandleWebGLContextLoss() method not working (regression r324)
2 favourites
Make OnCreate() method optional for SDKTypeBase and SDKBehaviorTypeBase
4 favourites
Cordova exports: ensure resource-file tags go inside platform tags in config.xml
13 favourites
Add support for WebGL 2 shader variants for effects
9 favourites
Enable WebGL 1 extensions OES_standard_derivatives and EXT_shader_texture_lod (where available)
6 favourites
Add editor setting to limit editor/preview to WebGL 1, to help test shader variants
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Add effect category "tiling"
3 favourites
Add zNear and zFar uniforms for effects
7 favourites
Add IPluginInfo.AddCordovaResourceFile({ src, target, platform })
4 favourites
Data editor: new CSS variable '--spreadsheetview-highlight-font-color' for highlighted cell text color
6 favourites
Fix some effects not working correctly when source image rotated on its spritesheet
5 favourites
Add DispatchScriptEvent() helper method
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Add IPluginInfo methods SetIs3D(), SetSupportsZElevation(), SetSupportsColor()
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Add IWorldInstance methods SetZElevation(), GetZElevation(), GetTotalZElevation()
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Add IWebGLRenderer methods SetCurrentZ(), GetCurrentZ()
9 favourites
Add support for sampling depth in effects
5 favourites
Add devicePixelRatio uniform for effects
5 favourites
Allow exporting with all-whitespace content for Cordova plugin variables
3 favourites
Cordova exports: replace construct-plugin-file with cordova-plugin-filebsy@6.0.2
7 favourites
Deprecate SetAndroidXEnabled() as it is always enabled with cordova-androidyic@10+
16 favourites
Add Quad3D() and Quad3D2() renderer methods