View a comprehensive history of all the changes introduced in Construct 3 since the first release.

11 favourites
Autosave is now a bit smarter, and will only save if something has changed since the last autosave.
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Autosave will now save all open projects, not just the active one.
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(no changes since r103)
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Text editor: Ctrl-F didn't highlight the search box
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Mobile Advert: now requires that application ID, publisher ID and privacy policy URL are specified
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Mobile Advert: now includes a user consent dialog on startup to conform with GDPR (Android only at the moment, we're working on iOS)
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Platform: better handle walls moving horizontally in to the player
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Replaced 'Add to home screen' start page tip with a 'Install as app' main menu item
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Allow gamepad connection events to unmute audio, if the browser allows
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Instant Games: update to SDK v6.2
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(no changes since r97)
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Google Play: renamed property "Game ID" to "Application ID (android)"
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Updated the Cordova plugin versions for Google Play, Mobile IAP and Mobile Ad to latest versions
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Loading timeout extended in Cordova exports
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Adjusted object type naming scheme so cloning "Sprite_1" uses "Sprite_2" instead of "Sprite_"
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Audio: update to handle new audio autoplay restrictions in Chrome 66
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Event Sheet View: ensure reasonable column sizes on mobile
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Instant Games: update to SDK v6.1
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Android export: now targets API level 26 (Android 8.0 Oreo) since this will be required later this year.
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Parameters dialog: rewritten expression selection handling to improve behavior and work around bugs
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NW.js export: adjusted options to work around issue causing WebGL to become disabled in NW.js 0.29.0
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Layout view: dropping in an instance when all prior instances were deleted now defaults to previous instance's properties
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(no changes since r88.3)
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Improved error message in case invalid version used when exporting for Cordova
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Improved layout of the Cordova options dialog
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Improved error message if trying to open a project saved in a newer version of C3. This will only take effect from this version onwards.
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Physics: improved handling of changing object size