View a comprehensive history of all the bug fixes in Construct 3 since the first release.
Project bar: possible crash dragging and dropping timelines
Loops in functions called by expressions not working in debugger
'Replace with built-in function' menu option incorrectly appeared in C2 runtime
Timeline Bar: Do not show properties of locked timeline elements in the Properties Bar
Timeline Bar: Current time marker can not be dragged while a track on top of it is locked
Timeline Bar: Crash when attempting to add an instance to a timeline after setting the step to 0
Timeline Bar: prevent editing properties or dragging keyframe handles when they have been locked
Layout View: Crash when dragging handles to edit a bezier path of a timeline
Layout View: Timeline bezier paths were not always drawn properly
Event sheet view: possible crash drag-and-dropping events with triggers
Dictionary files would sometimes be missing modified rows when the project was saved (regression in r144)
Data editor: column/row sizes could rarely be associated with the wrong rows
New functions: parameters did not appear in 'Find all references' or 'Copy as plain text'
Expression autocomplete did not move caret if accepting autocomplete by double-click
SpriteFont: incorrect line measurements when using character spacing (regression in r146)
SpriteFont: did not update to reflect 'Set character width' action
User Media: could not always use camera/microphone in Android exports due to lack of permission checks
Desktop: deleting layouts could remove non-world instances (Array/Dictionary/etc) from folder projects
New functions: moving or deleting event groups containing functions did not correctly update references
New functions: deleting function blocks did not remove expression references, which could result in a corrupt project
Timelines: Incorrect ease property (displayed as [???]) showing up in ease drop downs
Timelines: Timelines created in subfolders added at root
Timelines: Timelines in subfolders where not loaded from a project file
Timelines: Correctly update event sheet actions when a timeline is deleted
Crash exiting audio importer while tracks are still being encoded
Recent projects list on Start Page did not update immediately when cleared
Cordova export: invalid project names would cause build failures - now shows warning on export
Bluetooth: can now handle UUIDs with mixed case and with missing separators
System: 'Sort Z order' did not always redraw the screen to reflect changes
Possible crash undoing deleting objects from Project Bar
Sprite font: character spacing did not apply across style boundaries
Text/Sprite font: inconsistent application of line height property
New functions: passing local variables or other function parameters did not always work
New functions: possible crash after deleting last parameter
New functions: JS c3_callFunction did not handle parameters properly
New functions: debugger did not display function parameters
'Replace with built-in function' could accidentally change the precedence of operators in expressions
Event sheet view: breakpoint icons did not always appear on built-in 'Call function' actions
Text & Sprite Font: word wrapping no longer breaks on BBcode style changes
Sprite Font: setting line height did not always update displayed text
Drawing canvas: possible glitches filling polygons with colinear points
Project bar: object icons did not always come back after undoing deletion
Project bar: sometimes dragging items exactly by the pane border could both resize and drag at once
Possible crash duplicating layouts while Z Order bar open
Layout view: Ctrl+dragging unselected instance now only clones that instance
Anchor behavior: could work incorrectly when origin not at top-left
Tween Behavior: Possible runtime crash upon releasing tween instances
Timeline Bar: Crash when previewing a timeline with master keyframes missing corresponding property keyframes
Timeline Bar: Property keyframes not deleted when deleting the master keyframe
Timeline Bar: Incorrect layout of the bar after deleting keyframes
Timeline Bar: Refresh the layout view when a keyframe is deleted in the Timeline Bar
Desktop: Timelines were not being saved correctly to project folders
Desktop: Sometimes failed to load a local folder project via recent projects
Local storage features not working in Safari (regression r143)
Line of Sight: still tested instances with the Solid behaviour disabled
Line of Sight: not included in debugger collision/poly checks per second measurements
Tile movement: could not move if also had Solid behavior
New functions: not working when used in group or as sub-event
New functions: crash searching for references by text
New functions: could pass parameters with object expressions from wrong instances
New functions: crash adding a string parameter with existing calls
'Wait' did not work correctly in new functions
Crash pasting events with a function parameter selected
Crash duplicating layout (regression in r143)
Saving to browser storage not working (regression in r143)
Expressions Dictionary: crash when looking for expressions of objects with instance variables
Unable to Control+Drag events using local variables in sub-events
Tile movement: 'Set ignoring input' action not working
Line of Sight: rays could sometimes miss object corners due to floating precision errors
Timeline Bar: Crash when adding instances with behavior or effect properties that can not be interpolated
Timeline Bar: Crash when adding any instance with a color plugin property
Timeline Bar: Crash loading projects with timelines including property track folders
Timeline Bar: Crash when closing a project while editing mode is active
Timeline Bar: Crash when changing the enable state of keyframes
Properties Bar: Incorrect highlighting of behavior properties that can not be animated with a timeline (Sine, Orbit)
Z Order Bar: possible crash when undoing changes
Z Order Bar: layer items don't rebuild properly after the corresponding layer is moved in the Layers Bar
Animations editor: in some cases allowed saving animations with duplicate names
Dictionary editor: now preserves order of keys (note this is editor only, order at runtime is not guaranteed)
Data editors: column and row sizes not preserved in duplicates of array and dictionary files
Form controls: could sometimes still appear when 'Initially visible' off
Advanced Random plugin not working in Safari
Recent projects can sometimes show duplicate entries in Edge (regression in r138)
Timeline Bar: Unable to undo the addition of keyframes that were added using the keyboard shortcut
Timeline Bar: Crash when changing an ease function
Timeline Bar: Crash when adding an instance with instance variables to a timeline
Tween Behaviour: End values not read properly due to finished tweens not getting released
Tween Behaviour: Set time action not working properly when used on a tween that is scheduled to play, but not playing yet
Tween Behaviour: Runtime crash when setting the ease of a tween with an action
Z order Bar: Crash after undoing a change (regression since r141)
Fixed a number of issues with incorrect unicode handling in expressions (e.g. using emoji in object names)
Possible crash undoing container changes
Debugger: error if project uses circular event sheet includes
Desktop: Physics not working in preview with Worker mode enabled
8 direction: setting vector X/Y could exceed maximum speed
Anchor: in some circumstances could keep changing object size over time
Form controls: element ID could reset when other state changes
Stop Ctrl+Wheel zooming UI in Chrome 73+
Tween Behaviour: Possible runtime crash (regression in r141.3)
Tween Behaviour: Slowdown when repeatedly stopping tweens (regression in r141.3)
Z Order Bar: Crash when changing layout view (regression in r141.2)
Tween Behaviour: Tweens not reporting expression values properly (regression in r141.2)
Possible crash resizing panes on Firefox
Text editor: crash when opening (could also happen when opening projects)
Z Order Bar: crash when refreshing
Tween behavior: value tweens not reaching the end value
Animations Editor: secondary swatch color not restored property after closing and reopening the editor
Timeline Bar: Crash when changing the ease of a keyframe using the "Ease View"
Parameters Dialog: Crash when attempting to restore the value of a timeline parameter
Desktop: reloading debugger didn't work
C3 runtime: did not correctly suspend in background on Safari/iOS
C3 runtime: boolean instance variables not working after creating object not placed in layout
C3 runtime: sometimes couldn't debug instance after creating object not placed in layout
Animations Editor: Crash when selecting all collision polygon vertexes and moving them with the arrow keys
Animations Editor: Selection disappears after pasting and cropping
Animations Editor: Pasting and closing the editor lost the pasted content
Timeline Bar: Crash when right clicking the time ruler or time marker
Timeline Bar: Unnecessary time change undo points created
Timelines stop working after reloading a layout at runtime
Audio plugin: save/load mode not correctly respected in C3 runtime
Layout view: drawing collision polygons did not take in to account 'Parallax in editor' setting
Desktop: changing display scale could cause the editor to not maximise when restored at next startup
Properties bar: did not always update container properties after renaming object
Edge: font picker did not show project web fonts
Work around WebKit bug causing texture loads to sporadically fail in iOS apps (could cause crashes on startup or when changing layout)
NW.js: 'Write text file' action broken in C2 runtime in r139
NW.js exports could fail in r139
Local storage: reading numbers broken in r139
AJAX plugin: regression in r138 preventing file reads in Cordova exports
AJAX: did not work in NW.js exports with worker mode enabled
Recent projects list resets to an older version when Construct starts (regression)
Mobile Advert plugin: when using the manual configure action the "show purchase option" argument was being inverted
Timeline Bar: Only show relevant options for a given selection on the Timeline section of the Layout context menu
Layout View: Instances not undoing resize changes properly
Event Sheet View: long text in comments did not always wrap correctly
Desktop: the window position would be restored with the default position and size if part of the window would have be offscreen
Desktop: the display scale would be reset if the window was maximised when last closed
Array/Dictionary: 'Download' action could fail when resulting file very large
Creating sprites not placed in the project could set wrong origin
Button: could reappear if changing properties when offscreen
Timeline Bar: Hide feature when using the C2 runtime
Timeline Bar: Update the current time marker when clicking on the time ruler and dragging
Timeline Bar: Crash when using the "Update" option of keyframes
Timeline Bar: Hide options to Update keyframes while "Editing Mode" is turned off
Timeline Bar: Hide options to Add keyframes while "Editing Mode" is turned off
Timeline Bar: Show correct context menu when right clicking on the time markers
Timeline Bar: Keep keyframe selection before dragging
Timeline Plugin: Crash when trying to set a Play action when no timelines have been defined yet
Remote preview: did not work with 'Use worker' enabled
Remote preview: some features did not work with C3 runtime
Drawing Canvas: crash pasting an object with effects in to a canvas with effects
Local storage: state could be corrupted when stopped on a breakpoint in debugger
Previewing projects using event groups broken in r138
Timeline Bar: property tracks displayed incorrectly
Timeline Bar: possible crash closing bar
Instant Games exports not working in r137
Game Recorder: Screen recording did not stop when using browser "Stop sharing" button
Project Bar: could not drag objects to a layout from search results
Particles: could render incorrectly with Z elevation
Drawing Canvas: 'Paste object' with multiple instances did not match their Z order
Tilemap: did not draw collision polygons in editor (regression in r135+)
Tilemap: collision polygons in editor did not respect Z elevation
Event Sheet View: Shift+E shortcut did not work
Animations Editor: Incorrect luminosity when changing between primary and secondary colors
Animations Editor: Crash when changing the name of an animation
Animations Editor: Instance ending up with wrong origin and size after undoing changes from the animations editor
Animations Editor: Commands affecting the whole animation producing unexpected behaviours when undone
Animations Editor: Pixel information lost around the edges of an image when resizing using the "smooth" option
Animations Editor: Inconsistent drawing across tools when using sizes with a fractional part
Animations Editor: Incorrect resizing when pasting content
Tween Behavior: Color tweens end values getting mixed up when using many different tweens
Tween Behavior: Support tweening the color property of Text plugin instances
Toolbars: Spinner inputs not processing keypresses correctly
'Flying along' template did not open
Help links in Properties Bar could open two tabs
C3 runtime: minified exports failed to detect Pointer Events support for touch input
Browser 'Close' action did not close window in debugger
Animations Editor: Circle disappears when start point and end point are outside canvas
Prevent showing browser autocomplete in property grid control
Event dialogs did not focus search field in non-Chrome browsers
'Sphere' effect displayed incorrectly near viewport edges