View a comprehensive history of all the bug fixes in Construct 3 since the first release.
Crash on startup with third-party effect installed (regression r265)
Animations editor: crashes using the UI options to import images (regression r265)
Particles: InitSizeRandom expression did not work
Tilemaps: possible crash using auto-tiling actions
Animations editor: ensure scroll position of main pane when toggling the onion skin tool
Mobile: UI could become unresponsive if the application lost focus while showing a context menu
Drawing Canvas: Text objects did not paste correctly (regression)
Tilemap: not drawing with some 3D camera orientations
3D camera: could display 3D mesh distortion incorrectly
Possible crash creating lots of event groups quickly
Runtime: fix collision between tilemaps and other instance types when they are in different layers
Animations editor: crash attempting to delete all animations
Animations editor: crash dragging and dropping a file from Firefox's download menu
Animations editor: Layout View not updating correctly after closing the editor while editing an object type with effects
Sorting tabs in the main pane without tearing them off first did not trigger an update of the UI state
Preview: projects containing tilemaps could fail to preview due to missing auto tiling brush data using different transformations (regression r260)
Possible crash deleting 3D shape (regression r263)
Event sheet view: possible project corruption drag-and-dropping local variables to location already using their names
Form controls could display with slightly wrong size
Improve robustness of previewing, especially after quickly closing popup
Tilemap: not rendering correctly with 3D camera
SpriteFont: could appear glitchy with 3D camera
3D shape: origin now updates according to origin of back face
DrawingCanvas: could render incorrectly (regression r262)
Android apps could crash on startup (regression r261)
Vanishing points not working correctly on 2D layers
Linux exports not working with NW.js 0.56+
Text: stroke/outline width was inconsistent on displays with different device pixel ratios
Text: strikethrough displayed underneath outline
Text: keep strikethrough solid for stroke text
Tilemap bar: same tile highlighted multiple times after making a selection with the select tool
Tilemap bar: fix editing tilemaps in a layer set to preview parallax scrolling
Tilemap bar: fix editing tilemaps with a Z elevation different to 0
Start page: avoid possible inconsistent layouts after logging out while the start page is showing
Timeline bar: close the bar when logging out
Timeline bar: make a better attempt at finding compatible instances when pasting timelines between projects
Mobile adverts: fix minification error
Mobile adverts: runtime crash using the plugin with an export option that is not mobile
Animations editor: possible crash setting image point to predefined position through the context menu option
Offline support not working (regression r253)
Timelines: copying and pasting timelines not working as expected (regression r258)
Incorrect handling of layer rotation with altered vanishing point
Event sheet view: possible crash changing breakpoint on script in action
Event sheet view: do not allow setting bookmarks on function parameters
Drawing Canvas: pasting object not working if immediately scrolling afterwards
Drawing Canvas: pasting sprite after pasting another Drawing Canvas not working correctly
Drawing Canvas: did not always render correctly with both effects and a blend mode
Tilemap: fix testing collisions with instances on different layers
Timeline bar: crash selecting or dragging nested timelines
Runtime: crash using 'Create object' for instance in a container with a non-visual object
Runtime: account for layer scrolling when checking collisions between instances in different layers
Animations editor: crash importing spritesheet (regression r257)
Layout view: live previewing fade behavior with effects could render incorrectly
Event sheet view: audio file preview button could disappear with very long filename
Event sheet view: could not undo changing function 'Asynchronous' option
Ensure 'Pick children' and 'Pick Nth child' conditions work for newly created instances
Drawing Canvas: did not paste Particles objects that were offscreen
Mobile Advert: consent form was always shown on startup regardless of previous choices
Mobile Advert: "Consent Status", "IDFA Status" and "Is in EEA or unknown" not always giving reliable results
Data editor: crash pressing TAB while no cell is selected
Data editor: swap customized column and row names when using the transpose tool
Timelines: crash previewing timelines in the editor
Timelines: editor preview of timelines modifying scale properties did not match the runtime results
Timelines: incorrect values saved after editing a timeline and deleting property tracks
Timelines: enable state not restored when loading a project
Scene graph: instances in a hierarchy not added to the specified layer when using the "Create Object" action (regression r256)
Unlimited framerate modes not working (regression r253)
AJAX failing to load project files in Android apps (regression r252)
Text: 'On typewriter finished' accidentally unmarked as trigger (regression r252)
Mobile advert: update consent status after closing the consent form
Mobile advert: invalid consent status string after showing the consent form
Drawing Canvas: pasting objects could incorrectly handle layer parallax
Drawing Canvas: could sometimes trigger 'On resolution changed' solely due to floating point calculation imprecision
Text/SpriteFont: hierarchy scale did not affect size/scale BBcode tags
Scene graph: could have incorrect rendering after using "Create object" with children in container
3D shape: could not export with advanced minification
Z order bar: bar not picking up slide gesture in mobile layout (Android)
Mobile Advert: consent status was only updated correctly in test mode
Android: apps using worker mode could fail to start on some devices
3D shape: could sometimes unexpectedly disappear when using vanishing point outside viewport
Event sheet view: could not undo adding a group
Event sheet view: wrong background color on free edition events remaining box in dark/light themes
Scene graph: scene graph UI incorrectly shown when using global layers
Animations editor: crop tool keyboard shortcuts "ALT/OPTION + C + CTRL" and "ALT/OPTION + C + CTRL + SHIFT" not working as expected
Animations editor: using the crop tool from the toolbar plus CTRL to crop with no padding was not working on macOS
Timeline bar: crash closing the bar while a timeline is playing
Could not export with advanced minification (regression r254)
Properties Bar: refresh after logging in/logging out
Issue with numbering on corners in 'Minefield' example
Editor popup windows not working (regression r253)
Mobile Adverts: update dialog showing missing properties when trying to export
Mobile Adverts: banner adverts ignoring size option (regression r254)
Some keyboard shortcuts not working in popup windows
Project bar: keyboard shortcuts not working immediately after creating an item in the "Files" folders
Find All References bar: did not always mark disabled results
Dark/light themes not translated in Addon Manager
Slider plugin: failed to export with minify enabled
SpriteFont: could appear incorrectly after resizing image
Possible crash moving objects behind camera with Z elevation
Debugger: did not re-render game when resizing while paused
Possible crash on autosave (regression r253)
Layout View incorrectly scaled when editor window resized (regression r253)
Layers using own texture rendered incorrectly (regression r253)
Vanishing point incorrectly applied to 2D layers
Tile movement: could move incorrectly after pausing
Audio: could return incorrect PlaybackTime when changing playback rate
Audio: possible incorrect PlaybackTime when framerate very low
Work around iOS bug causing possible wrong display size on Chrome/Firefox/Edge for iOS
Incorrect Mouse/Touch co-ordinates when not specifying a layer (regression 252)
Drawing Canvas: 'Paste object' working incorrectly (regression r252)
Layout View: fixed a range of minor issues relating to Z elevation and 'Parallax in editor'
Layout View: could not scroll while placing with crosshair cursor (regression)
Animations editor: certain small images were not cropped correctly
Animations editor: import sprite strip dialog not styled properly (Light & Dark themes)
Data editor: move the toolbar labels closer to their corresponding inputs (Light & Dark themes)
Context menus could become unresponsive after the application lost focus