Finite State Machine behaviour (with configurable transitions)
in case anyone runs into problems using this addon, I uploaded a fixed version on the construct Discord. That fix adds const C3 = self.C3
never mind! found it! Thanks!
Can you send me one via email
Many thanks!
was it really so much trouble to write the documentation and attach an example?
how do you make states pleas help
You don't have to create states.
You can always switch to any state with any name with the action "go to state".
You can declare a transition between states with the action "Add {0} from {1} to {2} to {my}" that will be called with "Transition" if the start state and the transition name corresponds to something you have declared.
(I see that I should add some documentation to explain that, when I have time!)
Must be a busy man... ;-)
Dont know if you're still around, but any chance you can explain transitions a bit more and how to use them?