Addon ID

  • Spriter



  • Download count14,197 total downloads
  • Latest download count 627 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count7 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    Associate {0} with name {1}

    Associate an object with its Spriter name.

  • Conditions

    On initialised

    Triggered when .SCML file has loaded and is ready to be associated with objects.


  • Actions

    Set animation to {0} and {1} with a {2}ms blend

    Set the current animation

    Set playback speed ratio to {0}

    Set the ratio of playback speed

    Set current animation to {0}

    Set whether or not an animation loops

    Set current time in animation to {1} {0}

    Set current time in animation

    Pause animation playback

    Pause animation playback

    Resume animation playback

    Resume animation playback

    Play current animation {0}: {1}

    Play animation from current time to...

  • Conditions

    On animation {0} finished

    Triggered when the animation has finished.

    On any animation finished

    Triggered when any animation has finished.

    Current Key Frame is {0} {1}

    Compare the current key frame number.

    Current Time is {0} {1} {2}

    Compare the current time.

    Is current animation {0}

    Compare the name of the current animation.

    Is second animation {0}

    Compare the name of the second animation.

    If animation is paused

    Is animation paused?

    If animation is looping

    Is animation set to loop?

  • Expressions


    Returns the current time in the animation between 0 and animation length.


    Returns the index of the current keyframe in the animation between 0 and the number of keys.


    Returns the target time in the animation between 0 and animation length for the current 'Play animation to...' action, or -1 if there is no current 'Play animation to...' action


    Returns the remaining number of milliseconds(at normal playback speed) left to complete the current 'Play animation to...' action


    Returns the name of the current animation


    Returns the current time as a ratio of the entire animation length between 0.0 and 1.0


    Returns the of the current animation in milliseconds (at normal playback speed)


    Returns the current playback speed ratio (1.0 is full speed. 0.5 is half speed, 2.0 is double speed)

Size & Position

  • Actions

    Set object scale to {0} - {1} - {2}

    Set the ratio of object scale


    Set whether the object is mirrored on the x axis


    Set whether the object is flipped on the y axis

  • Conditions

    Mirrored on x axis

    True when the object is mirrored on the x axis

    Flipped on y axis

    True when the object is mirrored on the y axis

  • Expressions


    Returns the scale ratio of the object


    Get the left edge of the object's bounding box, in pixels.


    Get the right edge of the object's bounding box, in pixels.


    Get the top edge of the object's bounding box, in pixels.


    Get the bottom edge of the object's bounding box, in pixels.


  • Actions

    Set entity to {0} : {1}

    Set the current entity

  • Conditions

    Is current entity {0}

    Compare the name of the current entity.

  • Expressions


    Returns the name of the current entity

Character Maps

  • Actions

    Remove all character maps

    Remove all character maps from the character

    Append character map {0}

    Append character map to this character

    Remove character map {0}

    Remove character map from the character

Advanced : Animation Blending

  • Actions

    Set second(blended) animation to {0}

    Set the current second(blended) animation

    Set animation blend ratio to {0}

    Set the blend ratio of the current animations

    Stop blending second(blended) animation

    Stops blending the second(blended) animation, and resumes normal playback of the current animation

  • Expressions


    returns the current blend ratio of animations 0(current animation) to 1(next animation)


    returns the name of the second(blended) animation


  • Actions

    Set {0}

    Choose whether the object is hidden or shown

    Set Opacity to {0}

    Set how transparent the object appears.

  • Expressions


    Get the object's current opacity, from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).

Advanced : Optimization

  • Actions

    Set to {0}. Padding Left:{1} Right:{2} Top:{3} Bottom{4}

    Set when to automatically pause an animation for efficiency

  • Conditions

    Position is outside padded viewport

    True when this object's x,y coordinate is outside the padded display box set through Set Automatic Pausing action.

Override Animation

  • Actions

    Override object {0}'s {1} with {2}

    Override an object's animation data.

    Override bones {0} and {1} with IK to ({2},{3}) with child bone extended by {4}

    Use IK to override bones' animation data.

Attach C3 Object

  • Actions

    Set {0}'s {1} to {2}

    Set C3 Object's angle and/or position to Spriter Object.

    Pin {0}'s {1} to {2}

    Pin C3 Object's angle and/or position to Spriter Object.

    Unpin {0} from {1}

    Unpin C3 Object's angle and/or position from Spriter Object.

    Unpin all from {0}

    Unpin all C3 Objects from Spriter Object.


  • Actions

    Set {0}

    Set whether or not to ignore the global time scale of the current layout.

    {0} setting sprite layers

    Stop or resume setting layer to allow you to override them

    {0} setting sprite/box visibility

    Stop or resume setting visibility to allow you to override them

    {0} setting sprite/box collisions

    Stop or resume setting collisions to allow you to override them

  • Conditions

    On URL Loaded

    Triggered after 'Load from Url' when the project has finished loading.

    On URL Failed

    Triggered after 'Load from Url' the project fails to load.


  • Actions

    Find Spriter Object for {0}

    Find Spriter Object that corresponds with the C3 Object (retrieve with expression 'foundObject'.

  • Conditions

    Object {0} exists on current frame

    True when the action object exists on the current frame

  • Expressions


    returns the current x position of an object


    returns the current y position of an object


    returns the current angle of an object


    returns the name of the last found object (Find Spriter Object action)


  • Conditions

    On sound triggered

    Triggered when a sound should begin playback.

    On sound volume change triggered

    Triggered when a sound's volume should change.

    On sound panning change triggered

    Triggered when a sound's volume should change.

  • Expressions


    returns the name of the last triggered sound


    returns the name of the last triggered sound's tag


    returns the volume of the sound


    returns the panning of the sound

Action Points

  • Conditions

    Action Point {0} exists on current frame

    True when the action point exists on the current frame

  • Expressions


    returns the current x position of an action point


    returns the current y position of an action point


    returns the current angle of an action point


  • Conditions

    On event {0} triggered

    Triggered upon Spriter events in animation.

Variables and Tags

  • Conditions

    Tag {0} is active on current frame({1})

    True when the tag is active

Tags and Variables

  • Expressions


    returns the currentValue of the Spriter variable (variable name, object name) (the object's name in Spriter, not the name of the C3 object)

Z Order

  • Actions

    Set Z elevation to {0}

    Sets the object's Z elevation.

  • Conditions

    {0} {1} {2}

    Compare the Z elevation to a value.

  • Expressions


    Get the Z elevation relative to its layer


    Get the total Z elevation taking into account the layer Z elevation


  • Actions

    Load project from {0} ({1}){2}

    Load project from a web address or data URI.