Addon ID

  • Spriter



  • Download count14,191 total downloads
  • Latest download count 627 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count7 downloads per day average



Allows you to use Spriter animations in Construct 3.



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  • Since version 9-8-2020 draw self shows weird black outlines around each part of the character. We are forced to use a really outdated version and now we are facing too much problems because of this. Please fix it, this was reported 6 months ago here in the comment section.

  • I get in the current version 9-28-2020 black borders in my construct 3 project, on my spriter objects. I use draw self.

    In the version before ( 9-8-2020 ) it works perfectly.

  • Can we expect Spriter for C3 runtime within few weeks?

  • Is something wrong with "on create" in Spriter Plug In.

    I place several instances of a character created with Spriter and wanted to change the char maps with "on create".

    on create > Append Char Maps "XY"

    But nothing happen. Does this need to be done differently or is it a bug?

    I also tried "on initialised". This works sometimes, sometimes not. Sometimes it changes one, sometimes all, sometimes none. Can't be used that way either.

  • lucid, thank you for your work! But I have a problem with character maps.

    Spriter program is very good, it is convenient to work in it. Everything worked fine in C2. But in C3, character maps often don't work. They seem to fall asleep and do not respond to the command. And when I move the spriter object, they immediately start working properly. It also happens that it doesn't work even if I move the object and only works if I set the character map change to an every tick. Can you fix it?

  • The new version of spriter does not have the save spritesheet for project option only the save for texture packer

    How do i export now for construct 3?

  • Nice, thank you!

  • Thank you so much Lucid!!! not tested yet, but just happy for the effort.

  • Hi there, I have the same question. Are you going to create a new SDK v2 plugin? I also use Spriter in older projects and would like to keep them working.

  • Hi Lucid, my project relies heavily on Spriter. I still have three years of development left. and I am getting anxious when I read these messages:

    This project uses some deprecated features. These are unsupported and may be removed in future. Consider updating the project to stop using them.

    - "Project property Export file structure is Flat"

    - "Plugin Scml (Spriter) by BrashMonkey uses the legacy SDK v1 which is deprecated. A future update to Construct will remove support for SDK v1 addons."

    Will these issues be fixed in a future update? Also, it seems as if Spriter requires a "Flat" export file structure (instead of "Folders") in the project properties in order to load spriter objects.

    Personally, I would like to redo most of my animations anyway, so I wouldn't mind switching to Spriter 2 if the it will be shipped the coming two years (and have a C3 plugin). If not, I think a lot of us who rely on Spriter desperately need an update for the C3 plugin.

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