# Zalance API for Construct 3
## _A free addon for Construct 3 to interact with the Zalance API_
[latest release](https://img.shields.io/badge/release-](https://gitlab.com/brettops/tools/badgie/-/releases) 
This Construct 3 addon enables communication between the Zalance API and your game.
## Features
- Support for querying product catalog and prices with paging
- Buy now button clicks
- Event callbacks for checkouts, prices, and error handling
- Minification compatible
## Installation
The Zalance API can be added through either the Construct store or as a dev addon
in the editor.
## Downloads
The Zalance API addon is available for download along with project examples.
| Name | Download Link |
| ------ | ------ |
| Zalance API Addon | [https://zalance.net/downloads/][PlDb] |
| C3 Project Example | [https://zalance.net/downloads/][PlGh] |
## Supported API Calls:
### Actions
- Set account id
- Get prices
- Start checkout
- Start checkout cart
### Conditions
- On buy click
- On checkout start
- On checkout finish
- On error
- On prices received
### Expressions
- Get account id
- Get last prices
- Get current price page
- Get last error
## Author:
Zalance Inc.
## License
**Free Software! All our base are belong to you.**