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This addon is only permitted for paid versions of Construct 3.

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  • Download count17 total downloads
  • Latest download count 15 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    Set the player's account Id to {0}

    Set the player's account Id.

    Get product prices with count: {0}, page: {1}.

    Retrieves items from the public catalog. Up to 50 items can be returned at once. GetItems does not work off a cache of the Catalog and should be used when trying to get recent item updates. However, please note that item references data is cached and may take a few moments for changes to propagate.

    Start a checkout session with a price Id: {0}, quantity: {1}, and automatic tax collection: {2}.

    Begin the checkout session to purchase products. This will spawn a payment window so the customer can complete the transaction in a secured environment.

    Start a checkout session with a list of line-items: {0} and automatic tax collection: {1}

    Begin the checkout session to purchase products. This will spawn a payment window so the customer can complete the transaction in a secured environment.

  • Conditions

    On prices received

    Callback triggered when get prices has completed.

    On buy click

    Triggered when the button is clicked.

    On checkout start

    Callback triggered when the checkout session has begun and the payment iframe is showing.

    On checkout finish

    Callback triggered when a checkout session has completed.

    On error

    Callback triggered when an error occurs.

  • Expressions


    Get the Zalance user's account Id.


    Get the JSON array of last fetched prices.


    Get the next page number of prices to fetch.


    Get the current page number of prices.


    Get the most recent error message.