Addon ID

  • Colyseus_SDK



  • Download count9,616 total downloads
  • Latest download count 6 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count4 downloads per day average



Allows you to develop multiplayer games using Colyseus. Write your server-side code with Colyseus (Node.js). Configure actions and callbacks on Construct.

Example Files

Room, Room State, and sending and receiving messages. You need the server code for this project to test it locally. Check it out here:

Authentication module usage example

HTTP Module usage example. (Similar to AJAX)



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  • Hi, i just found a bug in the code. The action "Send JSON message" in construct 3 don't work so i checked inside the code and i see you try to send json message with "this.RoomSend()" and that must be "" to fix it ;)

    Also thx for your work!

    • Hi Zetius could you send the addons that you've fixed? because I try to change this, and I got an error about "Cannot set properties undefined (setting 'onAdd')" thank you!

      • I changed this.RoomSend into at the actions.js file line 54 nothing else, but if you want the addons where can i send it for you ?

  • hi, i'm new in construct 3,i wanted to know if there is a tutorial for the plugin(sorry for the grammar but i am using google translate)

  • Yay! 0.14.1 update!

  • Excellent plugin! Note to users, the server is on version 0.11 and there is a version 0.11 of the plugin (on the Colyseus Discord in #construct.)

  • the chat c3p says its not a valid c3p single file when i try to open

  • Plugin Colyseus (Colyseus_SDK) by Endel Dreyer uses the legacy SDK v1 which is deprecated. A future update to Construct will remove support for SDK v1 addons. Check if an update using SDK v2 is available for this plugin, or contact the plugin developer for support.

    • Hi there, I've just released an update to support Colyseus 0.16 + SDK v2! Also added Auth and HTTP methods which were missing on previous version. Hope you like it, feedback is appreciated! Cheers

  • Could you create an example to synchronize objects in real time to simulate a movement

  • its amazing a mutplayer plugin for free

  • hey! the server-side code template on your documentation page is unavailable!

    Can you share it here?


  • Does it work with Colyseus arena?

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