zyblade's Forum Posts

  • I totally agree to yann's post. Just wasn't able to express myself in that detail. With "no programing" I mean "no syntax". And as Yann said, learning while making a game makes C2 so viable for me and many other ppl.

    When you put acc to 0, the sprite will accelereted with 0px/second.

    Putting it to 5000 and there is no visible progres of acceleration, cause it's instanly at its max speed. :P

  • Thanks Jay for clearing that up :D.

    dimakoles: If you want to move instant, just change acc and dec to 5000^^. There might be another way, but this is one of them^^. Just don't put Max Speed too high, 200-500 should be fine, experiment with it.

  • Here's another example without any condition. Move the sprite with the arrow keys:


    You can't say now programing would be more easy.

  • "Require" means, there is no other way to so something.

    But C2 offers many other ways to do stuff without coding. So C2 doesn't "require" programing. It just offers you to do it that way. But it still doesn't "require" it. The choice is yours.

  • You say, C2 can't do "X = Self.X + Self.speed * dt" without programing.

    I say, it's possible, send you a link.

    You say, but the code is better in that case.

    You don't me to show you how it's possible? :P

    I say, "C2 don't needs any programing skill"

    If you want to use some line of code, you can do.

    If you don't want to use code/math, C2 offers many ways to do that stuff .

    So the statement "C2 does not require programing" is still right. And you could do a whole game without getting involved into coding/programing/complicated math.

    And using a behavior like in my example is more than basic and more easy than using any line of code.

    But maybe Ashley could tell you better what I mean, because his native language is english + he knows C2 better than me :)

  • No, I gonna say: there is no need for programing. My example does exactly

    this -> "X = Self.X + Self.speed * dt" but with behaviors, so without code or programing. Did you even open it?^^

    You have the choice, wether use formulas like this, or use behaviors to avoid simple or complicated math.

    edit: the post above was again edited. So my answer is again confusing for ppl who don't know the original conversation.

  • When you say: Set Sprite.X to -> Self.X + 5.

    Then Self.X is the current X position of the Sprite. But you also could say: Set Sprite.X to -> Sprite.X + 5. It's the same.

    Also, here's an example without "programing". link

    And the Sprite moves to the right without a single line of code : D

    Just hover with the mouse over the objects.

  • Even if your're right, then "X = Self.X + Self.speed * dt" would be no programing, there is no syntax you need to pay attention for, it's simply math, but no programing.

    There are many behaviors, like custom movement behavior, where you could do stuff without a need of these lines of "code/math". I didn't search, but I think there are many examples and tutorials for it :)

    edit: Just for ppl reading this thread and getting confused. Dima edited his posts and my posts was answering to his "old" posts.

    edit2: It's very confusing, you're editing your first post so often, ppl cannot follow the conversation anymore. Just make another post at the end...?

  • Thanks, that works pretty well :)

    I doubled the acc. dec. and max speed for the left right behavior.

    Awesome :D

  • Maybe anyone else know this problem.

    With 8-direction behavior enabled, the collisions work properly, but as soon as I create my own movement it acts a little glitchy, tries to glitch through sprites etc.

    I want to setup isometric movement via:

    up-arrow is down - (sprite.y-1 & sprite.x + 2) etc....

    I tried it via 8-direction behavior and simulate controls, to simultaneously press up and right arrow. Seperated them and added +40 speed to the "left" one. But of course it won't act properly.

    The movement was isometric but the camera was suddenly shifting to this direction^^.

    Back to my question: Is it possible to make a copy of the 8-direction behavior and change its movement to isometric style?

    I looked into the behavior but javascript is still too much for me :/

  • Hmm, "several headers reflect the properties you expect of Photon: optional reliability, sequencing, aggregation of messages, time synchronization and various others", sounds really good. Would be awesome to have these(and more) features implemented.

    They say they got reliable udp, but what's the difference between reliable and unreliable udp? I googled a bit and can say now: tcp setting up a connection and getting sure, every packet is sent(reliable and slower). Udp(without connection) is sending regardless if the packet arrived or not(unreliable but faster).

    So what's reliable udp then?

    edit: I find this also interesting -> link

    • Post link icon

    Begging not to vote for something is senseless to me(they already voted anyway). Putting more effort into explaining their choice(like the most do) would be a lot more effective.

    • Post link icon

    Stop complaining about ppl that vote for multiplayer <.<

    It's listed and ppl can vote for it and everyone may speak for oneself.

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  • I used R0j0's example to recreate >this< demo.

    This is what came out: >link<.

    Can I reach with some tweeking the look like in the previous demo link?

    edit: I just discovered build in bumpmapping support and got that effect working. The question is, why would I use dynamic lighting instead of the bumpmap effect? I don't exactly understand the difference.

  • Awwwww, I always loved CC, but I knew, that day will come. Construct classic was my first and only 2D game engine I've spent my time that much.

    So I like C2 all the more, because I can keep using what I've learned in CC. And hopefully, the community will again support C2 with the same amount of plugins, behaviors and effects, like in CC :).
