zyblade's Forum Posts

  • zyblade Thanks for the example. I considered the path movement option, but it won't work for my purposes. I don't want the enemies to have a fixed path. I want the enemies to be able to thrown off of their platform and attach themselves to wherever they land and continue moving.


    With following layer if too close^^ and moving back to path, if you are too far away from the enemy.

    I didn't pay much attention to setting up the path movement exactly.

    This is just an example and it could look much better if you rearrange the path.

  • And like that?

    edit: ops, didn't read Juryiel's post entirely^^. Well, now you even have an example .cap of his suggestion.

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  • The solution again is the "force bone repositioning"!!!

    I'll added this one just above the bullet creation action in the same event where the bullets spawning^^

    Yeeeeeah, finally ! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    If someone has similar problems, I added the solution also in the first post in my demo. works fine now.

  • The only thing I'm now wondering is, how to fix it, that, when the bone behavior self moves the gun a few pix up or down for more realistic movement and aiming while the mouse changes his angle, the imagepoint won't change :/ And the bullets will come out below or above the gun in special angles.

    edit: reuploaded the .cap with a the new issue^^. I ripped his head off, so you can see better what I mean.

    Toggle the event with sprite 6 on/off to see it will happen or not.

    edit2: wth "bottleneck'd" means xD, glitched up?

  • Just in that moment you've posted, I found out, that the action "force bone repositioning" exact does remove that lag. But insteat of puttnig it at the end of the event sheet, like the wiki says, it only works, if I put it previous to the other bone events. But thanks for the hint!

  • I just found out...that I have to put the platform behavior first and then add the bone behavior.

    The question now is, how to switch re order of these, without(!!!!) deleting the bonebehavior with its all finished animations :C?

    edit: found some interessting thread here

    It's from 2009, is it hard to implement some function to rearrange the behaviors? I really spend hours to make the animations with the bone behavior :/

  • Hi,

    I've set up a player with a few bones. Arms and head moves with the mouse(angle). He got a weapon that is also a bone. If I want to attach something to anything that belongs to the bone behavior(set position to "sprite") and I move via platform behavior too fast, it lags. If you jump, the bullets lags a few pixels above or underneath, depends if you jumping or falling.

    Here is an example: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/26932498/bone_behavior_lag.cap

    The torso is attached to the hitbox, the arm is attached to the torso. The weapon is attached to the arm. I can fix the lag, creating the bullets on an imagepoint from the hitbox, but in my engine, the arm is moving with the mouse and have lots of functions how to behave etc(the cap here is just a fast demo I created to made my point clear)..., so the imagepoint of the weapon is needed, because the weapon is moving with the mouse.

    Is there any way to fix that lag between the weapon and the spawned bullets if you move to fast or jump?

  • First, I didn't read all of the text.

    But I would make a LOS sprite for the enemy and put both in 1 container^^, yes I know, I just like containers...

    And then, if LOS-sprite and player overlaps, enemy:do some action?

    Since they in one container, it picks already the right enemy?

    Maybe I'm totally wrong cuz' I didn't read all of the text, but it was worth a try :)

  • Nice, finally the start of the engine :P.

    When you sort the sprites, do you separate the ground layer from the other objects? Couldn't find my way in your cap yet^^ Do you later implement real isometric sorting, or just a workaround? I hope this is getting a big engine :)

  • No problem, the container makes it just easier to pick if they're more than just 1 hpbar/enemy^^ But you can do it without using the container. Hope to see some demo in the forum of your game. ;)

  • I just recognize that thread here and it's really sad, I didn't found/commented it yet ??.

    Better late than never! This is a really good example game of massive tutorials in there and it's that usefull, that I don't feel ashamed to raise it back from 2011^^ Because even nowadays, user ask for things, that are described and commented in that game. Thanks Tulamide^^

  • Also, many users don't use the search function or ask google.

    After 20 seconds of seeking I found a thread, where tulamide points to his game "verve".

    It might get boring that I point to my example Verve! all the time. But I really made it to cover as much as possible to show ways to realize things. Of course, Verve! also features a hiscore, complete with sorting algorithm and auto-save. Have a look at it, every single event in Verve! is extensively commented.

  • Oh, I know what you mean. I got 2 solutions. First requires one hp bar for each different kind of enemies. The second is one hp bar for all enemies.

    1. Make your enemy, make your hpbar. Click on the enemy, left is your properties bar, seek for the container option and add the hp bar for it.

    If you spawn your enemy, the hpbar will spawn also, linked tot he enemy.

    Make a private variable "hp". And then:

    "condition when player hits enemy:

    subtract 'value' from enemy('hp')

    set hpbar.width to (100/enemy_max_hp) * enemy('hp')"

    Replace the 100 for the with of the hpbar.

    2. I'm not sure with that one. I would try a "for each" loop.

    For each family(enemy):

    condition when player hits enemy:

    set hpbar.width to the private variable 'hp' of the family, again like in step one, with the rule of three.

    But I'm not very sure with this one^^. Someone has to reply/improve/add this one, so that it's right

    ps: I'm not one of the advanced users here, this the way I would do it, maybe someone else has better solutions :)

  • Great trailer Wolod! Music is also good. Looks so easy, when you see the trailer, but I died so often -_-' xD

  • Very interesting, that I am not the only one, who didn't know about that function^^ Thanks R0j0...somehow that sounds corny, maybe because I used that exact phrase too often <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Dejavu like o.0

    Should make a macro for it.