zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • Kyatric

    is there another version after c85 beta??

    because the file not working with no error message o.o

    the file looks like this :

    <img src="http://i39.tinypic.com/swzfdl.jpg" border="0" />

    is there something to do??

  • kittiewan

    hmm i don't know but the file is not working in construct2.

  • hi again ^^

    today i have a question i don't know if i could give you capx, because i don't have it yet i just wanna know is this idea easy or not and i can do it or not ^^

    the idea is that i have a player he has a way to move! and there is a point if the player overlapped it a monster will follow the player but this all are easy but how can i make the monster follow the road that the player should move on it?

    see a picture and maybe the idea will be easier

    player = yellow, monster = red, road = brown , overlapped point = cyan.

    <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/29p3dc4.png" border="0" />

    if you could do it , tell me how and thanks ill try to do xcaps for these if needed , ( im busy in making sprites that why ) ...

    thanks for reading,helping,listening to me ^^

  • thanks for the big support from all of you guys, im making an easy game for now , in the future i wish i use arrays in a good way ^^ seems my new game doesn't need array except if i do a level page ^^ ill do it later ..thanks again :)

  • Haematite

    sorry the links not working :(

    hmm how can i make the choosen player from play page is the main player for all levels?? i don't know if you understand.

  • Haematite

    thanks but i don't know , i want when i choose a player (frame) this frame comes in the whole game in all levels.. (to explain)of course there is a play button in the player page so i choose player then i click play then this player will be in all levels.

    see the file uploaded again.


  • hmm after 1 hour working i sticked here :


    see capx, the problem when i click on the player 5 times and then 5 times then it stick and doesn't work again why??

  • hmm i'm alittle understanding them , but the problem is in expressions its hard to write them and stuffs like that , in these hours ill try to do something if i made it wrong tell me why it is..

    the thing i want to do it ( players page ) in this page there is a player if i clicked on him with left-click by mouse it change me to the other player (or 2nd frame because it isn't animated) and another click it change me to 3rd, after the 3rd if i clicked on it, it will return to the first player..

    i think this just array(x).

    by the way thanks to Kyatric

    your RPGmini are really good , and hard to understand , but im trying to understand everything on it.


    you really helped me alot to understand it.

    but i have a question does the array take much time to do it, i mean does it take 3-5hour or more?? or 1-2hour because you know it well??

    i want to rate my job as newbie or pro ^^ really thanks again.

  • link broken

  • Kyatric

    thanks ill check all links , but another question can i use more than one array?? the array is only connecting with the size of the window or can be connecting with sprites?also how i can connect the array with sprites?

  • hmm ok everytick = everytime the game on you will get 4 to score.

    so i would say make it :

    on the start of layout => add4 to score.

    and in the event that player die for example:

    player collision with monster => put action player destroy and go to the end layout (new layout).

    or you could use boolean (a live = true) , (dead = false)

  • hmm today i have a question about the arrays,

    ok ,before you give me manual links,tutorials i found all arrays are hard to understand.or they have specific use.

    the things i want to know:

    1) what the arrays used for ??? for example in level manu,in score,....i don't know the use of it , if they are many tell me the best uses.

    2)how to use arrays also what does width mean, hight , depth.

    i don't know even if i change the width nathing happen , why i can't put 0 what does 1 means?? i know its none-zero value but why???!! what does hight used for?? hight or what?....

    3) if you have any questions or answers about arrays post it her with .capx please i want to see examples , the forum has really few examples.

    i have more questions if i got the answers of these ill ask , thanks for help ^^ i wish there is a competition for making tutorials so..

    videos contest,tutorials will help construct2 alot... good luck^^

    thanks for reading!!

  • GenkiGenga

    cough-vote-cough , by the way new update released today hope i fixed all bugs, hard things. also remember this game only took 10days to do it (sprites,gameplay,everything).

    to everyone:

    if you want me to put sounds give me some of them , (but i don't want musics just sounds.) and ill put them in game.

  • event : system ,timescale = 0 = pause

    event : system,timescale = 1 = normal play..

    this is the speed of the game so if you made it 2 it will be soo fast.. like that even the time..

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  • hmmm i don't want to lie but i didn't like the graphis if you if you would take off the gradient in everything it will be better , also why its in space??anyway good idea but the big mistake is!i can enter anylevel i want even if they are locked fix that and keep the good work nice idea^^