zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound

    your work is really good thanks but could you make in the end of it like a circle or something so when i release from clicking i can click on the circle and re-lining the line again ?

  • i have reuploaded your .capx to dropbox just to let more people to download it , i liked the thing you have did but the problem is when i click and the mouse doesn't move it keeps create sprites while i don't want, also when i move my mouse very fast it create a long gab between the sprites,

    i think if these 2 things fixed it will work almost 90% , thanks for your help ill try to do stuffs till i find a way ^^


  • Kyatric aridale

    i thing i want is drawing a line but in the end of it there is a circle, also the line has some gabs ,see the thing i want:

    <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/5wvxwm.jpg" border="0">

    how does it work?

    click on player then move the mouse while clicking if i released my finger it stop and when i click on the circle and move my finger it keeps drawing lines and the circle destroy and when i release my finger another circle comes its exactly like spymouse game

    see this video how it work:

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  • any idea?

  • i have a question and i don't know how to explain it but the thing i want to do can find in SpyMouse game app.

    the thing i want is when we touch the mouse and move the finger there is a line with a dot in the end how can i make these?

    and how can i make the dot collision with wall if the finger moved on the wall??

    also how can i make the player moves while im making the line should i put 8dircetion or drag and drop or both??

    also if i stopped in the middle and clicked on the dot i can complete the line??

    could i do these with touch plugin or just mouse??

    here is a picture i made for how the line should look likes:

    <img src="http://i42.tinypic.com/4rqbdw.png" border="0" />

    you can use the black one :

    <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/10p14pe.png" border="0" />

    thanks for reading,helping me ^^

  • the .capx doesn't work can you re-upload , also i would say try to put enemy veriable for example put (enemyattack-false)

    so when the enemy collision with player-area attack put the enemyattack-true.

    and put event if enemyattack true = enemy will attack,change direction...

    try it maybe it will fix ^^ if not try to use array (array 100% can fix this but im not good in it)!

  • Ashley thanks for the support ^^

  • Ashley

    ok just to show you i made a simpler example for it the example has 3 sprites (black,red,cyan) if :

    black (player) collision with red = do nathing

    if collision with cyan = do nathing

    if collision with both it will destroy

    *the thing i want is when player collision with red or cyan or both it will destroy ^^

    in the previous version the "or" was working really fine but now it doesn't.

    here the file:


    *sorry i didn't read the rules my bad.

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  • i think this mean collsion with bullet.

    try to use the high resultion and see what did she do ^^ i jion construct2 because of that tutorial but i didn't do it (just watched) ^^

  • ok , 1hour ago i downloaded the latest construct2 version and when i opened the game i saw that "or" do nathing!

    i made player overlap with enemy1 or enemy2 --> player destroy and when i tried it , it doesn't work i should overlap with the 2 enemies to work .

    is this a normal problem or only me??

  • you can use (system -> every second and put 2-3 second or as you want then in action put spawn bullet...)

  • when i click on the sprite12 what should the playing do ??what does you mean with fighting??

    i don't know but most sprites looks the same and its hard to know what im doing, anyway i have tried in some ways , the only thing happen is the first frame of fighting will appear ...

    by the way i would say to make if i click the sprite12 put player animation to fighting and if not put it to default , don't do the false true stuffs..

  • kittiewan

    thanks for the idea that you made but ill use it in other way ^^ thanks..(ill use it in another enemy with bullets)

    by the way i found a way to do what i want (put an object with a variable has numbers 1-5) so the enemy will start when player collision with object1 and he will move to oject1 then to 2 then to 3.... then stop!

    i forgot to say before that the enemy i wanted should stop at a point not sticking on the playing ^^   thanks for the help again ^^


    thanks for the informations ^^

  • Kyatric

    i don't know any option that add "-" to any file o.o because all the other capx works fine and im using chrome.

    i really don't know sometimes when i download capx it comes like the one in the picture named with "cap" with out "x" and it will not work too.. seems ill try to find a way to change these things and finish it.

    by the way thanks for the help and informations ^^

  • i really don't know if this from my computer or what but really i didn't rename it also i tried to change it and nathing happen see the picture from chrome

    <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/juk1sj.jpg" border="0" />