zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • Nimtrix , about videos they are not long o.o just 6-15mins. but if you gonna they too many videos i would say yes they are many and i don't want that many videos :) just 15 videos max will be great ^^

    anyway ill watch a sample of your videos so don't worry :)

    (waiting hehe)

  • Nimtrix , i wish you the best but the basic are really stupid to do a video for it , since i joined construct2 i started to find a way to know how to do sprites and i found a very useful videos in toomboom animate (its for movies not for sprite hehehe) in those tutorials they learn everything in 1 full project! how it does't work i don't want you to see all the videos but you can see a sample of it :


    the videos should do a whole project lets for example you want to do where's my water clone (i know its hard but this the point) the piont in doing videos for where's my water clone is that you going to learn us everything , the basics (objects,properties,eventsheet..) and more like ( array in levels and worlds and special levels) and even more advanced like physics and trails and masking and much harder..

    also in each video you going to know what you will do in next video and make like a weekend video for answering some questions

    some stuffs i would like to see it on videos like what this used for , for example when you start using physics you tell us in what we can use physics like in gravities or balls and stuffs like this , or webstorage used for saving levels and scores ... and so on.

    about your idea making basics i didn't like it because most of the videos are for basics and i really hate it even in the other languages are basics , the only 4 series of videos i watched are (1945 clone, breakdown clone, packman clone, and laser effect ) thanks to everyone who made these videos ^^

  • i really hope that everyone keep making videos i wish i had a good internet to do that. i just want to see someone learning us the basics so when someone ask on forums we just give him the link for him but none for now made it (in english).

    about boolean this is a variable can be true or false it is exactly like a number variable with value 0 and 1 (1 = true , 0 = false) so in events you will do like this :

    if player collide with door and door boolean is close (false)

    make the door open (true) and add score for example...

    it is really good to make a limit of sometimes for example you can make limit of enemies on the screen and so on ... the most important thing on the boolean is toggle value for example if player collide with door (false) it will change to true and if it was (true) it will change to false.

  • make this events instead of the moving and stoping events :


        condition: player : compare speed >< (not =) 0

        action: player : play animation "move"


        condition: player : compare speed = 0

        action: player : play animation "stop"

  • about all your questions ill answer with what i know:

    1) check this link : (from jptarqu)

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    2)about offline you mean .exe right? if it like this there is a few tests about .exe and the developers still working on them and it will come in the near future

    3)100 events on the whole project because if its on 1 eventsheet you can use the include sheet and you will have unlimited events.about layouts you can use unlimited layout but remember there is a maximum that your pc or internet or browser can reach so don't go with it i think 50-70 layouts is really good max to reach ^^ about layers you have in each layout 4 layers start from 0 and end to 3 (layernumbers).

    4)about construct1 some people still use it but i never use it because most of the people said GM is better than construct while they think there is no construct2, of couse construct2 is much better than construct (classic) - you have to ask someone isn't fan of any of them-

  • o.o i'm just a person who can organize the words to fit the words in construct2.

    also i can't answer alot of question because i'm not fully pro in construct2 yet ^^

  • ok , construct2 has alot of pros and some cons.

    some of the cons that it can't export to apps (official) but it can export to a game on your device as html5 game with some engines like cocoonjs and mobiapp , and cocoonjs said they are going to create a cloud soon in this cloud i think you can sell your game and try it as app i'm not sure what the cloud will do but it will be the best thing cocoonjs did for construct2 ^^

    you can use your game on the browser on the phone but it will be with very low framerate.

    but remember construct2 is keep growing and get better and as ashley said we will be able to create apps as soon as they make it (its in todo list) ^^

  • you want to use beatbox on your game but you are not good on it o.o you want to buy some beatbox? here you go google translate made this for you and for free ^^ today while i'm watching youtube i saw this weird trick in the translator ^^ so the way to do it :

    1)you need to put some letters on english.

    example :

    ts kkkkkkkk dpvddddddpvdddvdddpvddddd BSCH zk zk kk pv ddpvddddddpvpvpvpddddddddpvvpvptddddddddddddddddd bschk BSCH kk bschk dpvdpvpv dddddddddddddd BSCH BSCH BSCH

    BSCH BSCH bvpvp tst tst zk zk ts BSCH ddpvddd bvpvpvbpvpvbpvbpvbpvpvbpvpbvpv

    ddtdtdtdpvtpv bpbpbpbpbpbpbp

    2) translate it

    3)hear the translate ^^

    hope you like it :) don't forget to put google translate on the credits

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  • Nimtrix , thanks ^^

  • you mean frame to frame or sprite to sprite there is a big different between them... if you wanna change from sprite object to another sprite object just do this :


    condition:mouse clicked on sprite1

    action: sprite1 spawn sprite2 -->> layer as you want, and imagepoint = 0

    action2: sprite1 : destroy

  • we can't download the capx it says error...

  • lol i tought TL22 giving us an example or talking to himself? hehe ^^

  • ok do this : first of all you have, lets say a button object with 20 frames you can change the frames from the properties and put the speed of animation to 0

    and event will be like this :


          condition1:mouse : clicked on object --> button

          condition2:button object: compare frame = 0

          action1:button frame = 1

    in this one you will only change to 1 frame for example if player collision with door it open like this or press button and so on..



          condition1:mouse : clicked on object --> button

          action1:button:set frame --> self.animationframe +1

    in this one everytime you click on the object it will change to the next frame

  • i think the animations name should be stored on the object expression page so we can use it when ever we want it but most of the people use simple worlds like : move, idle,jump,slope,...

  • is there a way for the onion look?