zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • i really like it ^^ keep the good work :)

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  • really nice game i liked the graphics , but some stuffs i didn't like :

    1) its too slow when it go down and up from the ladder

    2) the animations there is no animation when i attack , and jump

    3)the hidden area i don't know what should i reach? just killing and moving to right or what?? put a small map or let us know where we should go ^^

  • ok this need alot of works 0.0 i liked the way you made the game :) good luck see here is the way.. first of all try to make a collision polygon in all these frames, and put all the frames you want in the end of animation and do events like this :


        condition1:player collision with tiled

        condition2:system : compare two values-> player.animationframe >= the first frame that has a solid.

       action: anything you want for example destroy..

    you can make it with easier way take all solid frames as a new object , its ok you can make 100 object it will be better than 1 object with 100 frames

  • ok i think the problem is that everytime you click arrow while player on floor it keep getting slower so you need something to fix that.

    you can use boolean variable, the problem i can't know what should i do because i can't see the capx

  • auntie val what do you need to do with the array??

  • you can make it in another way , just add compare two values and put timescale > 0 with all keyboard events

  • i see , good luck to all of them ^^

  • what does dictionary used for? i mean examples because i really didn't know what does string mean :

    <img src="http://i46.tinypic.com/4tni1l.png" border="0" />

    i know it has keys and values but what the different between it and the global variables or arrays

  • i remember Tom was going to do a contest for video but i think he closed it i don't know why o.o just because some people said they need to learn i think this enough time for them to learn anyway i liked the project video ^^

    about array x = variable1, y = variable2 , value = many values ^^

  • hmm could you upload the capx? if you can't show me the event that player collide with gate at least let me know what im doing , do you need the stars system or no??

  • kittiewan , your signature is blocked in my country :) can you change tinyurl.com :P


    -     A level can only be unlocked once, but the player can replay it as much as he wants.

    -     From the MENU, a level can be loaded only if it's unlocked.

    -     A button ?continue? load the last unlocked level.

    the first point :

    you want when you click on the button (level1) it will take you to layout for level 1 and if you clicked button for level2 it will take you to layout level2 right??

    if it like this then you just need to change the event number (11) in "event sheet 1" (in the example capx)

    to this :


         condition1:mouse left clicked on button

         condition2:value at levelsbutton.level>0

         action1: system :go to (by name) ---> and write this : "LVL"&levelsbutton this mean it will take you to layouts with names :LVL1,LVL2,LVL3... so name your layout as this..

         action2: set currentlevel to levelsbutton.level

    *so just change action1 and layout names.

    the second point and the 3rd point i didn't understand what you need ? can you explain what you have did and what happened and what you want to happen

  • adobe flash is going back wiiii lol joke , in just few days flash will not be in google store ^^

    the interesting thing is that chrome doesn't support it :)


    so lets say the last good buy to the flash , good bye adobe flash :)

  • prinsukun , waiting for it ^^ hope you do what i have said :P

  • nice game ^^ i think you used 3rd party plugin thats why it not working :)