zordork's Forum Posts

  • How do I add a graphical signiture with link to my profile?

  • Hi all

    My name is andy aka zordork

    you can visit my prduction page at: zordorkproductions.com

    you can visit my Facebook page at: facebook.com/pages/Zordork-Productions/192098367467592

  • I think that this 350 rep points to enable a signature is a bit silly, and will just create spam post so people can get a higher rep. so I am just posting this to boost my rep

  • Hi guys I am looking for a free mapping utility similar to campaign cartographer, and was wondering if any of you know of a good one

  • would this work with google sketchup?

  • could be useful

  • <center><img src="http://zordorkproductions.com/prealpha/title.png" border="0" /></center>

    <font size="4">BACKGROUND</font>

    This is a game that I have wanted to write for a few years now, and about a month ago I discovered C2, and now my dreams have a platform to become a reality.

    The Adventures in Gamlarike is a "Talky Adventure", a point and click adventure with aspects of classic RPG thrown in. The hero talks to the player to relate information about what he/she is doing

    The Adventures in Gamlarike will be a series of games set in the ancient and mystical kingdom of Gamlarike.

    <font size="4">STORY</font>

    In the first of our adventures, our hero (who can be male or female, and named by the player) wakes up in an Inn to discover that their traveling companion is missing. Our hero must search for clues, and journey through Gamlarike in search of their companion and rescue them.

    <font size="4">COST</font>

    The game will be primarily free to play, however during the game players will have the option to make purchases through Paypal for better equipment, weapons etc.

    <font size="4">EARLY PRE-ALPHA</font>

    I have got to the stage of having the main control and inventory systems in place and working. The game can be controlled by touch, mouse, cursor keys and/or a combination of these.

    Here is a very early Pre-alpha for you to have a look at, note if you choose the male character you play a male in the game or if you choose the female character you play a female in the game. at the moment the characters voice is just a computer generated voice, however in the final release this will be replaced by an actor (male for male players and female for female players)

    Things not yet done:

    • fight routine
    • active journal

    In this pre-alpha your objective is to open the wooden door in your bedroom.


    I would be very greatfull of all comments, critisium and suggestions

  • I am looking for help with an animation (sprite frames)

    here is my sprite image that is going to be used as a background, that i am going to add text fields onto:

    <img src="http://zordorkproductions.com/imgs/book-pages.png" border="0" />

    but what i need is a page turn animation for when the player clicks in the top right corner of the page

  • I have been using c2 for about 2 weeks now, and find it very easy to use and learn. I am working on a complex game, and when ever i come to something i cant do or understand I first search the tutorials and if nothing there helps I search the manual, if that dosent help I post a question in the "how do i" forum and useally get an answer within a few hours

  • Thanks, works great. I think I wa trying to make it more complicated than it actually is.   <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • i have a global text called name that is set to "nul" when the player enters their name in a TextBox the global text is set to what the player typed. Next to the TextBox i have a button. what i want to achieve is when the button is pressed the player goes to the next layout, but if they have not entered their name a message pops up telling the player to enter their name.

    I know how to do everything apart from how do I compare the values of the value of the global text, eg. if name="nul" and name<>"nul" I have tried useing the system option to compare values, but cant figure out to use it to compare values of a global text, I have tried name.text and text.name etc but nothing seems to work

  • I have been playing around with this and it works just as i want, and all I had to do for the z layer problem was add a move to to command. happy days. oh and the hud layout had to be the first in order, so that the graphics loaded into the system

  • so in theory if a put my hud on a layer called hud in a layout and made all the sprites global and made a hud event sheet that made all the sprites visible then on all my other layouts made a blank layer called hud, and in the event sheets for those layouts put an include event sheet command to the hud event sheet, then the hud should work in all layouts

  • I am working on a game. and I have built several layouts (play area(numerous layouts), map, hud, inventory, battle) what i want to achieve is having the play area as my main layout with the hud layout supper imposed over it, I know that i could use layers to add the the hud to each play area layout, but think there mist be an easier way.

    I also want to be able to call other layout eg inventory, without losing the progress of the main layout. eg play opens inventory to check what he is holding, and then closing the inventory and is still in the same position as they were before they opened the inventory.

    hope this makes seance.

  • thanks for all the suggestions. as my game is going to consist of more than one game set around the same character and his adventures I have decided to have a main title and a chapter title. The adventures are going to take place in the fantasy land of Gamlarike (I came up with this name by search different languages, to find a translation of "The Old Kingdom" that sounded mystical/fantasy like)

    So my series of games are going to go under the the name of "Adventures In Gamlarike" and the first chapter is going to be called "Without a Trace"