Zharzew's Forum Posts

  • 0plus1 This is great, just what I needed! :)

  • Ashley yeah, using the 'silent' command is the only audio issue I am having now using CocoonJS for ipad or android, with the latest beta Construct build. Is this something Ludei needs to fix, and so they know about it? It sounds like this has been a long time issue. Looping sounds will 'stop' but seem unaffected by 'silent'.

  • 0plus1 that would be great. I would love to use this if possible. A short tutorial would be amazing, if you have success. :). I don't own a mac, or I would try out your Ejecta iOS stuff. Hoping to change that soon, as I would love to publish for it. My current game looks great on ipad using cocoon, but has audio issues. Besides that, it is great. How is audio using Ejecta? Any issues with multiple sounds? Sounds cutting out? Or looping sounds issues?

  • I am trying to play several looping music tracks back to back (only ever having one play at a time), which works great on PC using HTML5. However, when I test on IPAD using HTML5, it will only play the first three looping tracks, and it will never load the others (8 in total). Preloading the sound/music doesn't seem to help. It is like the first three sounds get loaded, and they just won't release from memory.

    Ashley or anyone else who might know, is there a way to force a sound to 'Unload' from memory? Or is there some other technique I can use to fix this problem?   There are several other sound related issues on Android HTML5, which I think are similar, but are more severe. I will attempt to fix those later. Sound support across different platforms seems to be the biggest problem with C2 at the moment (at least as far as I can tell).

    Also, is there a way to detect that a looping sound has 'ended' before it restarts a 'loop'?   I thought checking for it to end would work, but it does not. I am trying to get seamless music transitions, but that seemed impossible. I figured out a less elegant backup plan, for now.

    Any help will be extremely appreciated!


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  • #jayderu thanks for your reply and insight. I will have to look into doing it that way. :)

  • A future project I am planning requires asynchronous 2 player multiplayer, where one player would make some choices and it is sent to the server, which would then alert the other player that choices have been made (push to client), or have the game check if the other player has made a move. It is like playing games by email, or how games like Draw Something or Words with Friends work.

    My question is, what would be the best way to achieve this? Can socket.io do this? If so, has any one attempted this?

    Thanks for any help.

  • firebelly

    I was looking to do exactly this in my project, just haven't gotten to it yet. I would totally use this plugin!

    Please share! :)

  • 0plus1 have you see the Android Ejecta stuff? Check out: https://github.com/3dseals/Ejecta-X

    Just curious if any of your stuff would work for that. It doesn't seem very well documented, but maybe that is ok. I haven't messed with the Ejecta stuff at all yet, but I may be looking for an alternative to CocoonJS soon. They are just dropping the ball left and right, it seems. Zero transparency and very little communication when things will get fixed / implemented. So disappointing. :/

    This looks like a possible alternative, if we can sort it all out. :) Do you have any thoughts on using this to get C2 on Android?

  • Ashley This is a small usability suggestion for the z-order window of the layout view. It would be nice to have some ability to select the properties (highlight) an object from this window. I have been finding that I will have a few objects stacked on top of each other in the same layer that I would like to change properties of, and currently you must move objects out of the way (or change z order) to do this. It seems like the z order window is under utilized. Maybe double clicking an object in the z order window, or right clicking for a drop down for more options later (if needed) would work.

  • rexrainbow

    Scaling the sprite, but leaving the spacing between them should work great! :)

    As for the alignment or the sprite, I am already aligning the layouter object to be center, it is the collected sprites that is not centering (they are just off center, it is really weird). It easiest to see when there is just one sprite that draws, multiple sprites (ie 2 or more) seem to center much better. When just one is there, it appears that it is aligning the 'left side of the sprite' to the center (of the layouter), not the 'center of the sprite'. I hope that makes sense.

    I guess I was thinking if we could have the sprite align to the origin point (or any image point) it would be easier to do just that (basically just put the image point at the center of your sprite). This could open up all sorts of neat alignment tricks potentially.

    Thanks again! You are too awesome! This plugin is just great, just like all your other work! :)

  • rexrainbow

    Sorry to bother you more, but right now you have to write a function to resize a sprite (as seen in your text example). Is there a way that the layouter could have a command to scale all associated sprites that are a part of it? This would make scaling text and such much easier than writing a function to do so.

    I am currently setting all the text to "" to hide them (essentially blank). Is this a sufficient practice? This is needed since the layouters I am using are global and used in a end level score card.

  • rexrainbow

    Yeah, set all sprites of a layouter object to invisible / hidden. Destroy will 'destroy' the object, so that is no good (as you know), and the Create / Remove instances seem better suited for multiple creations of a layouter.

    In my case, I just want to display text, and then hide it later. Basically I am using layouter in place of spritefont.

  • rexrainbow

    Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the best way to 'hide' or 'remove' a layouter? Usually, there would be a 'show' / 'hide' command, but all I see is Create Reference and Remove Reference, which I don't think do what I need.

    Basically, what is the best way to Show and Hide text? None of your examples has any 'removing' of a sprite, hence my confusion. :/

    Thanks a lot! :)

  • rexrainbow

    Is it possible to align the text using an image point? I am noticing that it aligns to whatever edge you have selected (ie left). I am just trying to center some text and it is aligning just off center, because of this.

    Thanks for any help! This thing is awesome! :)

  • rexrainbow

    This is a great plugin! I have been using it today to replace SpriteFont and it works perfectly! I love the spacing options available, so much more flexible than spritefont.