zenox98's Forum Posts

  • greetings

    i get a javascripit error when i click 'Play' like this: https://ibb.co/mnLyfR

    how to fix it

    thank you

    Please ensure you follow the Bug Report Requirements or this report will not be investigated, and will likely be closed automatically.

  • I have already discussed this with Kyatric and also contacted Tom. I was unable to even login all yesterday afternoon/evening, so not good.

    No idea what the problem could be, but let's wait and see what Tom has to say.

  • If I'm being unclear on something, or if I can't stop camera scroll from affecting the warp distortion effect please say so.

    Thank you!

    Please stop this multi-posting of the same query. Have a little patience when waiting for a response.

    Your duplicates have been locked. Please do not continue to make new posts about this.

    It is generally accepted that you can 'bump' your own thread after 24 hours if no answer has been forthcoming.

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    Locked as duplicate of https://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=147&t=198692,

    Please stop this multi-posting of the same query.

  • Problem Description

    when add event like touch a tilemap or mouse click tilemap, then add any action, when run layout,the browser did not active the action!!!!!!

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    ____ What happens? ____

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Your operating system and service pack ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Exact version ID of Construct 2 you're using ____

    Please ensure you follow the Bug Report Requirements or this report will not be investigated, and will likely be closed automatically.

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    Hello. A quick question on the appropriate Construct 3 license to get.

    I'm starting work on an indie game with one other friend. They'll be building the game using their Construct 3 Personal License while I create the artwork. I therefore only need to use Construct 3 occasionally to test the artwork as majority of my work will use other software.

    Would his current Personal License allow logins from more than one computer at the same time for this kind of collaborative project?

    Alternatively is there any advantage to him upgrading to the Business License? Or do we just need our own separate Personal Licenses?

    Thanks for your help. New to Forums so apologies if I missed answers to this question in another thread.

    Under no circumstances are you allowed to make use of his Personal License.

    If all you are doing is testing gfx, then even the free version may be usable. The free version can open any size project - it just will not save after the 'free version limits' have been passed. But if all you are doing is inserting or swapping out 'placeholder' gfx for your own, then you could test and pass the gfx on when completed.

    Doesn't hurt to try!

    Otherwise, separate Personal Licenses would probably be your next best option.

  • Latest stable r250 now loads in < 2 secs for me.

  • Any future plans to port the Plugin over Construct 3? This would be freaking awesome! Because the standard box2d Plugin has some performance laggs

    If you read the thread 2 pages back - you will see the following post from R0J0hound that states he has no plans to convert to C3: https://www.scirra.com/forum/behavior-chipmunk-physics_p1136595?&sid=1aa581358862d0efd568915895ec0b14&sid=5ad861a2a0f2991e7b053c091fb3ed82#p1136595.

  • Descripción del problema

    Hola comunidad de construct2.

    En la actualización r250, al exportar para cordova he observado en la ventana de "opciones de cordova" que la opción "Uses geolocation" en la sección "Permissions" ha desaparecido. Para lograr que la geolocalización funcionara en mi proyecto he exportado el proyecto y en el archivo generado "config.xml" hallado en la carpeta de salida, he añadido la linea "<plugin name="cordova-plugin-geolocation" spec="~2.4.3" />"

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Vale aclarar que la geolocalización funciona en el preview pero no lo hace al exportar para cordova. Por otro lado solo he hecho la exportación para cordova por lo cual aclaro que no me consta si sucede lo mismo para otras plataformas.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Construct r250

    Please ensure you follow the Bug Report Requirements or this report will not be investigated, and will likely be closed automatically.

    Also, please remember that when making general forum posts, the post must be in English or provide an English translation, as stipulated in the Forum Rules.

    Thank you.

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  • Hi everyone! I am new to to construct2 and i am currently developing a game for my final project. Is there someone that can help me through out the process of the game and how to do it.

    I hope someone with a good heart will help me.. I really need help with this please

    Please read the Tips on posting.

    We like to help but we are not here to do your work for you. You need to show that you have read the manual, done a few tutorials and made some kind of attempt. Then when/if you get into trouble, you would have a much greater understanding of what help you actually need.

    As it is, we have no idea what level you are, what you are trying to accomplish, and what help will get you going.

    Help us to help you.

    • Post link icon

    Hi everyone! I am new to to construct2 and i am currently developing a game for my final project. Is there someone that can help me through out the process of the game and how to do it.

    I hope someone with a good heart will help me.. I really need help with this please

    Please do not multi-post the same query in different sections.

    Locked as duplicate of https://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=178&t=198615

  • Barely had time to start counting, but I'd estimate < 2 secs to load. Sweet. Thanks Ashley.

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    I have some projects in mind, (before anything, sorry for my english), and I want them to be true but I have an issue with my C2 license:I don't have any license! So I mean, I'm a pirate but just have some reasons, let me explain and please answer me. I was wondering to know if I can make a game and then publish it and earn some money to buy the license? The question is that I'm not adult yet and can get a descent job to pay it, thanks.

    Discussion re: piracy not allowed, and admitting you are one is just ridiculous, especially on Scirra's own forum.

    Just for the record, it is not in any way acceptable to make money from a pirated or free version of this product. No discussion - proceed directly to jail.

    *Locked. Do not continue with this or you will be banned.

  • Problem Description

    behaviors applied to fammilies doesn't work

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    added "flash" bahavior to ennemies sprites in a familly

    when the player shot and hit families, the flash behavior doesnt work

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • addd sprites to families
    • shot the sprites
    • adding flash behavior to families doesnt affect the sprites

    Observed Result

    behaviors doesnt work

    Expected Result

    _behavior ned to work

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES0)
    • FireFox: (YES0)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES0)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    win 7 64bits

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r249 steam version

    Please ensure you follow the Bug Report Requirements or this report will not be investigated, and will likely be closed automatically.

  • Okay got it. Thank you.

    You can also add instance variables startX and startY to the Letters sprite. On start of the layout, save X and Y position of Letters instances to these variables.

    Then if the letter is dropped on an occupied grey box, return it to (startX, startY) position.

    About this one, is it a plugin? I don't seem to have that startX or startY though.

    Instance variables are covered in the Manual. Please try to do a little research for yourself - this is how you will speed up your understanding of the Event system.

    Obviously, there is no problem asking for help, but your questions show you have not really read and understood the manual yet.