zenox98's Forum Posts

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  • I searched 'Closed Bugs' and found this post from Ashley:


    ...all references are in lowercase to work on case sensitive servers.

    I reckon this is probably still the case, so not a bug, really.

  • As a mod, I would have to disagree with you.

    I already spend hours a day splitting / moving / moderating Topics posted by spam accounts that include numerous dodgy links. Those links could easily link to drive-by malware attacks, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially some of the much younger visitors we get here.

    As R0J0 has said, it isn't difficult to add a link anyway, and there are numerous posts - and stickied Topics - around that tell you how to ask for help and post links. The 'faq' and especially the 'Tips for Posting' topics frequently go unread.

    *My 2.5 cents.

  • I would add a pic but I do not see any upload options for images, nor any file upload area so I can upload the game.

    There are no upload facilities on here, unfortunately.

    Use one of the free storage offerings supplied by dropbox, microsoft, google, etc, then you can provide a link here.

  • Hello,

    So at the beginning of my first level, on start of layout I have a text that says GET READY and my enemy is paused for 1.5 seconds. The text is destroyed and my enemy starts moving.

    I would like this to happen at the beginning of every level (each level has the same event sheet).

    At the end of Level 1 the system "goes to next layout". However at the beginning of Levels 2 and 3 the enemy starts moving right away and the GET READY text is not destroyed. How do I make sure each level reads the "on start of layout" event?


    Without seeing either the Event sheet or a .capx, it's pretty well impossible to say.

  • Please try to explain as clearly as possible, what it is you want to do. Do not assume that what you are saying is easily understood by others.

    Pictures or a .capx can be helpful when asking for help.

  • Dear all,

    could you help me - am I alone who do not get the answers on my questions?

    Sincerely yours,


    What is this post?

    Are you referring to THIS post you made 10 minutes ago? If so, to expect an answer after such a sort time is ridiculous.

    You must appreciate that users come from many different time zones, so it may take a while for a suitable response.

    If you have made other posts that haven't had a response, then a good tip is to always provide a .capx, as it makes helping much easier.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Have you tried the built-in 'flapping bird' template?

  • Ciao, ho urgentemente bisogno del vostro aiuto <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes"> Ho creato questo menù che funziona a scorrimento ma vorrei che gli elementi all'interno del menù si ripetano continuamente. Come posso fare? https://www.dropbox.com/s/rp3nvvzj330cv ... .capx?dl=0

    Please be aware that when making general forum posts, the post must be in English or provide an English translation, as stipulated in the Forum Rules.

    Thank you.

  • hello to you all, I use Construct 2 for a year, I think it would be very useful to add some features to the Sprite Editor to further enhance it.

    specifically what I'd really like to see implemented is:

    - a function for auto-dithering using the 2 selected colors.

    -a function for total change color in a click, for example if I have so many red-colored pixels, and I select black, by clicking on any of the red pixels, everything that is red automatically turns black.

    -a lazo selection

    - the ability to use multiple layers in the Sprite Editor, move and merge them.

    here are just some tips on how I would like it to be.

    maybe I'm wrong but I do not think they are very difficult things to implement, but with little you could greatly enhance the Sprite Editor.

    And you what do you think? What else would you add / change about it?

    As Ashley has stated for a while now:


    As we've stated previously, we do not plan any significant new features for Construct 2 any more beyond maintenance/bug fixes. All major development work is now being done on Construct 3.

    So unfortunately, I can't see this happening.

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  • Hi lunarray Mcaffee stops me from downloading litetween due to it saying its a virus is this true?

    Obviously a false positive or thousands would be infected.

    If worried, upload to https://virusscan.jotti.org/ which will scan the file with all the standard AVs.

  • Then it is likely the whole project is corrupted.

    Hopefully, you will have set the autosave & backup preferences - see section on 'Autosave' HERE.

    How to retrieve autosave/backup is covered also.

    If you haven't set C2 up to autosave/backup then you have learnt a painful lesson on why a good backup policy should always be implemented, unfortunately.

  • Why this quality !?

    12 days ago all be normal, im back and this, in test all normal

    You will need to follow the Bug report REQUIREMENTS if you want this to be investigated.

  • Urls DEAD !!

    Have you not seen my update on the OP?

    I have provided the Github link to all of Pode's addons. It may not include the examples, but at least the addons are available.