[Behavior] LiteTween

From the Asset Store
Skin it
$20 USD
A skin plugin and behavior to add a skin system in your game.
  • netdzynr you can PM instead of continue on this post since is not related to LiteTween (I mean it is sort of ), but you can try having a global variable that is incremented every time an animation is finished, then you check its value to see how many animations have finished so far. You can also use the "wait for signal" system action and then "signal" it to continue execution of a group of actions in a certain event or sub-event. Personally, I would use the variable thing. Lets say you have 3 animation, instead of just incrementing the vartiable, you can asign to each animation a digit in that variable number. animation 1 will increment the variable with 100, the 2nd with 10 and 3rd with 1, when all animation will be finished the variable will be 111. this way you know exactly which one is finished

  • Construct 3 LiteTween minor bugfix

    I corrected a minor bug affecting display of behavior event in the event sheet.

    Image of one of the display 'problem': image

    Image after the bug fix: image

    I incremented the addon version to so we can update it in C3 smoothly.

    Here is the new file: LiteTween v.

    lunarray : If your good with this correction maybe you want to update your first post. Thank you for this addon, it's really useful.

    : Good work your port gave me the opportunity to work on my project in C3

  • For anyone looking to do what I wrote below, one solution is to wrap each group of animations into its own function that can be called as needed. My approach to use some method to wait/halt all code execution is not appropriate. Thanks to Cipriux for getting me in the right direction.


    OK, I have the wait at the front of the loop. Now I'm wondering how to detect when all the animations are done -- I need to delay any further code execution until the tween of the last sprite has completed. I know it's possible to compare tween values but I'm at a loss to find a way to halt the code. The idea is like this:

    > Do some animations

    > wait until all animations are complete

    > Do more animations

    > wait until all animations are complete

    > Do final animations

    > wait until all animations are complete

    > Execute remaining code

    Can you offer a suggestion? Thanks in advance.

  • Is it possible to set tween progress?

    For example, a sprite should rotate from 0 to 180 and back, but I want the tween to start from angle 120 when layout is opened.

    In other words, I need a similar action to "Sine->Set cycle position"

  • dop2000 I think the "Seek" action is what you want to use

  • Cipriux

    Wow, thanks! I've been using LiteTween for almost 2 years and somehow never noticed this Seek option..

  • Turned out, Seek action is a pain to use with Ping-Pong or Flip-Flop loops.

    For some reason it pauses the tween, and you can't resume Ping-Pong or Flip-Flop, you can only "Resume at current progress", which resumes it for one cycle. And then you have to start it in reverse. And only then you can do PingPong..

    Also, the seek scale from 0 to 1 is for forward movement only, not for forward+reverse. If you need to start from some point in reverse movement, you need to add yet another several events and conditions...

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  • dop2000 Rome was not built in a day

  • I just noticed this plugin recently and it seems amazing. But I tried to install the Construct 2 version and it gave me the error: "Unable to load plugin in '(plugins folder)\lunarray.litetween': Found 'GetPluginSettings' global, but it is not a function. This plugin will not be available in the editor.". Did I do something wrong or is it because of an incompatibility issue with the r252 release of Construct 2?

  • I just noticed this plugin recently and it seems amazing. But I tried to install the Construct 2 version and it gave me the error: "Unable to load plugin in '(plugins folder)\lunarray.litetween': Found 'GetPluginSettings' global, but it is not a function. This plugin will not be available in the editor.". Did I do something wrong or is it because of an incompatibility issue with the r252 release of Construct 2?

  • Mickyelloow This should go in the Behaviors folder

  • It's a behaviour. You have to install it in the Behaviour directory, not the Plugin directory.

  • Oh wow now I feel bad........ Yeah.... that was indeed the problem... should have noticed that right away... I'm so used to installing plugins that I've put it in the plugins folder... thanks anyway!

  • lunarray.litetween is behaviour there for it should be in behaviour folder

    C:\Program Files\Construct 2\exporters\html5\behaviors

  • Hi lunarray Mcaffee stops me from downloading litetween due to it saying its a virus is this true?

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