> Hello,
> So at the beginning of my first level, on start of layout I have a text that says GET READY and my enemy is paused for 1.5 seconds. The text is destroyed and my enemy starts moving.
> I would like this to happen at the beginning of every level (each level has the same event sheet).
> At the end of Level 1 the system "goes to next layout". However at the beginning of Levels 2 and 3 the enemy starts moving right away and the GET READY text is not destroyed. How do I make sure each level reads the "on start of layout" event?
> Thanks!!
Without seeing either the Event sheet or a .capx, it's pretty well impossible to say.
also we have to know if you are using global object/ persist behaviour or things like that, i don't think is a "start of layout" problem, maybe im wrong but.. best thing is always up a project file when we can reproduce the issue and edit it for you.