Ashley has always stated that his intention was not to create a 'cookie cutter' type of game engine. You can find many posts by him stating as such.
[quote:1oxteerr]We're always trying to hit a balance between making it easy to get results, but avoiding cookie-cutter engine features. Sometimes people are looking for a built-in feature to implement a large portion of their game logic, but that's not our intent. For any logic specific to your own game, there is no substitute for events. I don't think it should be viewed as a failure of the product if you have to use events, that's actually part of the design.
This is why many find that creating simple - and some not so simple - games do indeed require very little in the way of programming, but the higher one tries to reach, the more technical skill is generally required. This is the same in everything, not just game creation.
The main benefit with C2 is that there are some incredibly helpful users who offer help freely. Just try not to get too frustated, and don't be afraid to keep asking for help.