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  • Take a look in this capx:!Ai2wcz1Xix0ygbw-Kut8SzIyAucWVA

    It contains pretty much what I need, but I want more control in the camera movement amount. I don't want the camera to move that far away from the middle of the screen when the mouse is on the screen borders.

    Any tips?

  • Zathan

    you probably want to change the set BarMask width event to say: lerp(Self.Width,(100-Water)*150/100,3*dt)

    that reverses it...

    That's it!

    Thank you very much.

  • Unfortunately, you'll have to see the capx to help me

    The bar isn't just a rectangle, it have rounded corners. so I needed to use 3 sprites: bar fill, bar border and bar mask.

  • Take a look in this capx:!Ai2wcz1Xix0ygbw7xNGmm8X0uwb0-w

    That's exactly the result I want, but inverted. When the bar is empty, the 'water variable' must be 0, not 100. I tried to just make a different blend mode, to invert the mask effect, but without success :\</p>

  • Zathan

    Have you tried to make it a 1 to 1 relation like this ? ... .capx?dl=0

    Thank you for the example!

    But, why did you take the litetween away? My doubt is about the functionality of it. Folks say that if I put negative values it works, but I couldn't achieve this in the capx. What is wrong in my logic?

  • There's a good post and response here :

    5. This is also very simple. Just export from C2 and upload the whole folder to your Steamworks folder and then everyone will get the update if you choose to make it public. You can in this step also just publish it in secret to your testers first. Savedata can be handled by cloud save easily or just locally. It will not be lost if you update the game even if it is in the game folder.

    Awesome! Thank you.

  • What's the best way to do this?

    And what about the player save files? it still work's after the update, right?

    I'm using local storage in my project.

  • Zathan just use the minus ( - ) before your angle number for a counter clockwise.

    Thank you for the answer!

    Unfortunately, I think it's not that simple <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    Please, take a look in this capx:!Ai2wcz1Xix0ygbwxXankv4EdwEhpsg

    Seem like, randomly, the angles mix themselves when the square jumps. When it do walljumps too.. I've tried various combinations in the tween values.

  • When I'm using the angle tween, how can I choose if the movement is clockwise or counter-clockwise?

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  • Using families is a way to pick separate instances at the same time. It's pretty much the only way to connect two instances of the same object with a joint.

    Ah, ok!

    Thank you very much.

  • I'm doing a rope with physics and I'm trying to connect the pieces of it with revolute joint.

    The problem is that I can't make the right piece connect to the other right piece, cause it's all the same object. So, I can't do picking.

    I saw an exemple with families, made by Rojo, but I was trying do to something simplier.

    So... to do the picking in this case, with all the rope pieces being the same object, just with families or do we have other option?

  • Ah, I see... sorry, I think I have issues with picking '.' hehe

    Thank you very much for the help, this is exactly what I was trying to achieve.

  • Why not ? Just a Line-of-sight more. (rereading the question).

    That's what i need to know

    Have you tried to increase the cone of view of the cameras?

    When there is more than one detecting you, the cameras don't work as they should. They don't act independently.

  • Hope this shows you 'picking'. And how to use 'else'. ... 3FDc0NYc00

    Awesome! that's pretty much what I need. But how can I modify this to make the system work even if more than one camera is detecting the player?