YetAnotherSuperhero's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the information! I didn't know that. I might be able to make that work, but a plugin would be great! Because I don't really have the ability to say HOW many pictures there are going to be.

    But again, thanks for the information.

  • How can I do that? I need to load external PNGs. How do I load one to a specific frame?

  • So, I just found out that different copies of the same sprite object cannot load up different images. Since this is crucial to my game, is it possible for someone to make a plugin that can do this?


  • That doesn't work, if you quickly go to the other side then it's going to snap in the other direction, not have any inertia. Thanks though.

  • Yeah, thanks I had that worked out sort of. But my controls are you turn an arrow that points the direction and the ship rotates to that arrow, and the problem of a rotation speed is that when it reaches the arrow the ship will over shoot it, then slow down, then over shoot the other side then slow down etc.

    Is there some way to get if the ship needs to rotate clockwise and return (1) or counter-clockwise and return (-1)?

  • I'm trying to make a ship rotate at a speed with some inertia. To if the direction to rotate to is flipped than it's not going to instantly turn to the angle at full speed, but rather sow down turning the other way then seed up, exactly like the angular velocity in physics (Which I cannot use for this project)

    I can work it up with code but it would take 4-5 lines with some funkay computations.

    Is there a simple math in Construct that can do this?

  • I've tried that but not all the way back to an empty cap file.

    But, you know, sleeping on it last night, I remembered it started when I added an object and put some shaders on it. The shaders slowed it down so I got rid of it. Could this object still be sort of stuck in a limbo?

  • I got an odd thing going on.

    I run my project at the unlimited framerate just to keep an eye on the quality of my code, and it's been steadily in the 250 range. But, lately it's been jumping from 300 to 90 to 250 to 111, and so on.

    I've undone my last changes, and no effect, I've even gotten rid of most of my code just to see how it'd run, and it's those same jumping but higher numbers.

    I doesn't do this on other projects, the framerate only varies within 10 fps at most.

    Heck, I've even reformatted my comp (for other reasons) tonight but no luck.

    Any ideas?

  • Thanks, I know of that example but it dosen't have a "Top Speed". I need my ship to have engines that will only go (50) but with external forces the ship could reach a maximum of (100)

    I'm pulling out my hair over this and I can't figure it out.

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  • Hey, I'm working on a spaceship game, and I need help with the movement. I've tried physics and the custom and even car. But all have their own problems.

    What I need is the ship to have a maximum velocity, e.g. 100, so using it's engines, this would be the fastest it could go. But, external forces could make it go faster, e.g. up to 1000. Also, if the ship is already going faster than it's engines alone could make it go, then it won't pickup speed from the engines (but it could change direction.)

    Also it should be said that the movement needs to be 360 degrees with an inertia, so no turning on a dime.

    Not to sound p*ssy, but I'm not asking you to code my game. I've made an H.S.C.E. edition, (a Horribly Sloppy Code Edition... edition) and on my T5800 (2ghz Dual-Core) and with one ship it craps my framerate to 50ish. So I'm looking for some ideas (Or a plugin, hint-hint, wink-wink).

    Also pixel-perfect collisions, are a high priority.

    If I sound like I'm rambling, I'm sorry. Thanks for any ideas.

  • Is there a way to pick a target with a specific value with the Turret behavior and when that value changes pick a new target?

    I'm pulling my hair out over this.


  • Thanks!. On with my recode!

  • Apparently (I might just be being obtuse here) the Line Object doesn't do pixel-perfect collisions, Is this true?

  • Awesome!

    Question: Would collisions and bumping work or be possible?

  • Awesome, thanks!