YetAnotherSuperhero's Forum Posts

  • I'm trying to make an ini file that would contain a bunch of items (like engines, shields, etc.) and instead of making 50 different levels of a same item, be able to put a calculation for certain aspects. Any idea if this will become a feature?

    p.s. Thank you for the great program!

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  • Aw dernit! but that means more work!

  • Can I put a calculation (like 50+5) in an ini file and have a variable reading it say 55?


  • that's right, thanks for pointint that out (it's actually what I want)

  • yeah, I think I will.

  • Thanks but I gpt it last night (came to me while I was brushing my teeth)


    (object1.Value('weight')+object2.Value('weight')) makes the base then dividing that by object1's weight give the percentage of the total, then subracting it from 1 make the heavier object affected less.

    Thanks for all the help.

  • That would just give half of the sum to each object, I need it to be different for each object based on the difference between two values. Any ideas?

  • Hey, I'm having a **ll of a time trying to split a value between to objects.

    If one object weighs 100 and the other object weighs 100, then my value should get split evenly between them.

    If one object weighs 200 and the other object weighs 100, then the 200 weight object gets 25% of the value and the 100 weight object get 75% of the value.

    How do I do this?

    All help is appreciated.

  • Hi,

    First of all I did a search and found a thread but didn't find any definite solution.

    I have about 100-200 planets scattered across the layout, and probably somewhere in excess of 1000 ships all in different locations. I need each ship to be able to pick which planet is closest and go there.

    How would I go about picking the closest planet?

  • Hey, I've had this stuck for a few months and have not been able to figure out collisions.

    It's a top-down 360 spaceship movement with a loose-drifting movement and I need the ship to bounce correctly.

    I have 8 Variables for the ship.


    MovSpeed = How much push the engines are giving

    XPos = X Position

    YPos = Y Position

    XMov = The movement from the engines along the X plane

    YMov = The movement from the engines along the Y plane

    XMovEx = The movement from external forces along the X plane

    YMovEx = The movement from external forces along the Y plane

    I needs to make the ship bounce when it collides with another object. But not some arrbitrary amount. If a heavy & slow object pushes against the ship then the ship gets moved out of the way (Like a bulldozer) or if a extremely fast yet small object hits then the appropriate force would be applied to the ship.

    If anyone can help me on this that'd be just outstanding!

    I hope I made some sense.

  • Whoops, didn't upload the file. It's in the upload section.

  • Hey, I've had this stuck for a few months and have not been able to figure out collisions.

    It's a top-down 360 spaceship movement with a loose-drifting movement and I need the ship to bounce correctly.

    I have 8 Variables for the ship.


    MovSpeed = How much push the engines are giving

    XPos = X Position

    YPos = Y Position

    XMov = The movement from the engines along the X plane

    YMov = The movement from the engines along the Y plane

    XMovEx = The movement from external forces along the X plane

    YMovEx = The movement from external forces along the Y plane

    I needs to make the ship bounce when it collides with another object. But not some arrbitrary amount. If a heavy & slow object pushes against the ship then the ship gets moved out of the way (Like a bulldozer) or if a extremely fast yet small object hits then the appropriate force would be applied to the ship.

    If anyone can help me on this that'd be just outstanding!

    I hope I made some sense.

  • Is there a command that if a value is lower than 0 or greater than 0 it will add/subtract a certain amount. It would be a lot easier than having to make separate events.

  • Thanks! I'll just have to change my game method. That's good to know.

  • Hey all, simple question: Is there a limit to how far out an object can go with unbound scrolling? I set up a test and got over 2,000,000,000 X position.

    Has this been tested?
