Xh3maa's Forum Posts

  • Today i figured out that with the new flagship mobile devices the Letterbox scale doesnt work anymore. The aspect ratio is 18.5:9? How to solve that problem? Is there any other workaround than rescale the backgrounds of games?

  • do you have a capx for the stretch with the apple? like in the demo

  • Can someone help me with collision layers? I cant get it to work. I know how it works with groups. But i need that two objects in one Layer would collide together, but both objects are attached on one object and they are all in one collision group

  • Thanks buddy,

    Do this affect the Performance on any way?

  • Hey out there,

    Are any future plans for supporting this plugins from above in Construct 3? It would be so freaking awesome!


  • Any future plans to port the Plugin over Construct 3? This would be freaking awesome! Because the standard box2d Plugin has some performance laggs

  • Hey out there,

    For some reason my imported Illustrations from Adobe Illustrator looks unsharp in Construct 3. Any idea how to solve this? I tried exporting 1,5 time bigger and scale down to original size but that doesnt help, still unsharp.


  • 5 stars for Plugin AND support! very good job!

  • just bought your addon for construct 3. Im struggling with impulse at angle. Can you help me by this? i want the box to go at the direction the mouse is at for example: angle(Self.X,Self.Y.Touch.X,Touch.Y). The box only starts rotating but dont go to the direction of the mouse, i dont know why?

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  • Can you say me if there is any difference in this two exporters? Do androidstudio more Performance or smaller Apk Size? Can someone answer this?

  • Question in the subject! Please help!

    thanks anyways!

  • Thanks! Thats working. I saw at the chipmunk website an video about another type of rope. Two dots was connected with an "rope" and everytime the rope startet warping/stretching/move like an real rope when the dots startet moving. It wasnt connected with multiple parts. Is this possible in Construct 2? If yes can you be so nice and make an capx for us? I would preciate it very much!!

    Here is the link to the Video


  • thank you that helped! how to implement hinged object for example a rope? i cant get it to work

  • How to apply impulse at Touch.X and Touch.Y like before? i only have "x or angle" and "y or distance". Any idea how to implement like Touch.Position ?

  • I know how to do an rigidbody character. But can anybody say me how to animate the character? For example the character is running. But after he dies the rigidbody should activate, for more realistic Animation.

    Thanks guys!