Xh3maa's Forum Posts

  • What does that actually mean? We can not build our apps through Intel XDK? Most of the Plugins doesnt work with coocoon for example.. what we can do??

  • You answered all my questions. Thank you!

  • Hello!

    How can I let a ball be attracted by a magnetic field? For example the bullet goes from left to right but if its in the magnet field the bullet go a litte bit up. You know what i mean?

  • Like in my subject written.

    If i make a bullet and physic behavior on an object it doesnt work well. Sometimes the bullet goes through objects and it doesnt look realistic. How to fix that?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Nobody an idea? It would help very much!

  • Hello together,

    Can please anyone tell me how to export as Cordova for Cocoon.io (mobile)

    Examples are:

    Tick minify script yes or no?

    Export with standard settings?

    Sometimes i heard we have to delete the config.xml in the www folder?

    In cocoon select canvas+ for best Performance?(physics)

    Anything else then cocoon that works better for Performance? Short impressions would help very much!

  • That would be very interesting! Is the multiplayer Support free?

  • I was thinking about that but it seems too easy

    You are right. Everything loads on start. How to implement your idea? How to set everything on disabled on start of Layout? I know there is a button for disabled. But does help that? Later if i set everything on enabled at the same time wouldnt freeze my game?

  • Thanks for answer. I build my apps with Intel XDK... The problem stays.. my idea was to set an overlay on the top of my gam if the layout loads everything correctly the overlay would disapear. But how do i know when my level loads completely? Can anybody give me a tip? Its very important..

  • please help me by this. I have done a game. But every time my level starts my screen freeze for 2-5 seconds. how can i implement a loading screen that preloads my whole level? i want to have a smooth level start. Can you make a CAPX for me? im on construct 2. thank you very much

  • Hey guys,

    please help me by this. I have done a game. But every time my level starts my screen freeze for 2-5 seconds. how can i implement a loading screen that preloads my whole level? i want to have a smooth level start. Can you make a CAPX for me? im on construct 2. thank you very much

  • Hey guys,

    please help me by this. I have done a game. But every time my level starts my screen freeze for 2-5 seconds. how can i implement a loading screen that preloads my whole level? i want to have a smooth level start. Can you make a CAPX for me? im on construct 2. thank you very much