i tryed never responded
Anyone Know?
How do I Make A Chat System with RexRainBow?
How do I Make A Changing BackGround Were if i click a little blue button the back ground changes to blue
i dont thing its my internet cus i pay $500 a munth for charter hi speed internet
yes it never starts with the torrent :\</p>
i dont have time man really i no how to make multiplayer chat login system giftcode system everything i need for my game i know how to do but this object thing i have no time all i need from u guys is to make it for me please
Please man just make me have onbjects fly down at the player
r164 Error on download it Happens Every time i download it
http:// prntscr.com/31tatf
Were Do i Get Scml BrashMonkey Plugin? Cus i made a game with it a while ago now when i open it it has this error
Picture of error: http:// prntscr.com/31t5hu
Delete the spaces in the link
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Well i have no time Bro andn this is a simple thing Very simple for u guys to do all i need is this then my game is done
hopr37 im a visual learner do u think u can make me a capx im on r163
How do I Make A Avoider Game Were object fly at player and follow the player i want the player to move only left and right
V-Delete the spaces
Example Picture: http:// prntscr.com/31sk6n
I dont want to post my capx But i made a my player be a platform behavier
How do i make the player only go foward and if he tryes to go back ward theres a border so basically a boreder following him thru a whole map making it so he can go forward
i dont wanna take off backword step cus then there would be a problem every were