How do I Make A Chat System with RexRainBow?
Anyone Know?
Why not ask RexRainbow?
i tryed never responded
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You have to setup a node.js server first and install on it.
But you can easily make a chat using official multiplayer, there's even an example included.
Can u help me?
I think you even don't have to install node.js server manually, check this topic out, everything is well described:
Try official multiplayer plugin first.
rexrainbow i dont have that kid of money for a liscense im on free version with ur chat plugin i have no clue on how to do it — can u teach me maybe?
Uh, the only one could help you is reading the post, I am busy recently, sorry.
they dont help at all people really need to start making videos i have been making postes about this for weeks waiting for answers
This sucks the tut for it dont work i tryed everything
Another one
some links dont work plus i dont get it pleaase help me this is my last thing i need for my game i have been at this for weeks
rexrainbow add my fb account