How do I Make A Changing BackGround Were if i click a little blue button the back ground changes to blue
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Setting the layer color
Button -> On clicked ----> Set layer background color [/code:2v7vqgpc] [quote:2v7vqgpc]Set the background color of a layout. Note if the layer is transparent, setting the background won't change the appearance unless you also make the layer opaque. Setting a tiled background image [code:2v7vqgpc] Button -> On clicked ----> Load image from URL [/code:2v7vqgpc] [quote:2v7vqgpc]Load an image from a given URL. It is not shown until the image has finished downloading, and On image URL loaded triggers. Images loaded from different domains are subject to the same cross-domain restrictions as AJAX requests - for more information see the section on cross-domain in the AJAX object. Data URIs can also be passed as an image, e.g. from a canvas snapshot or webcam image. [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url]