Witheiz's Forum Posts

  • Try this:

    > v1>50
    v2>100 Deactivate group
    v1<50 Activate group

    Thank you, sir. :D

  • probably dumb question with an easy answer.


    variable1 greater than: 50

    -deactivate group1

    variable2 greater than: 100

    -deactivate group1

    variable1 is not greater than: 50

    -Activate group1.

    problem occur: group1 remain activated when the value is less than 50 eventhough variable2 is greater than 100.


    sorry not expert here. leaving for few years already and decide to come back.

  • It's a top-down shooter game and I try to spawn an enemy suddenly there is laggy within a second. just the enemy part. but when I spawn bullet there is nothing happened. no lag at all.

    after I try using debug then I view the collision tick. on the start layout, it was 700(~25/tick) - 1500(~35/tick)...

    then when I try to spawn an enemy object (just one) it suddenly rises to 400000(~8000/tick)...

    anyone can help me with this?

    object count on layout: 76

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  • but if you are dragging and dropping, what would stop someone from doing circles to run up the distance? or just go back and forth? The actual distance should be the starting point to the end point, without all the extra movements.

    you could do your own custom drag and drop, and calculate the distance moved every tick if you really needed to.

    I'm dragging and dropping which is go back and forth. the actual distance and endpoint will change every time the object gets a new position. anyway, the problem was already solved, I just randomly try this and that and tbh I don't know how much your info helps me but in the end, it works well and I'm really grateful for what you did. ^^

  • you might have to give the object an instance variable to manually calculate the distance travelled.

    so, on Drag Start you could save the starting position, and then on Drop calculate that distance and add it to the object's variable.

    ok I try this first...

    but I don't know if this really kind of solution that I'm looking for. what I want is every time i move 1 pixel or distance, then add 1 to a variable.

  • i try using bullet with distance travel. like every 1000 the object will be destroyed.

    but what if the behavior is Drag n drop???

    I try to drag, but the distance travel number didn't really increase. so it won't destroy. can anyone tell the solution or if there is any method?

  • I watch some of tutorial of inventory and among them the one that not really complicated and easy to do is this youtube.com/watch ofcourse i want to try other tutorial too, but right now my focus is on this...

    the problem right now is:

    1. what is the solution when i have more than 1 item?

    2. and i don't want to create more than 1 or duplicate it. if there is 2, i want one of them is deleted. but i don't know how to this...


    sorry for bad eng, i tried my best to deliver...

  • Try Overlapping at Offset:

    > Player is overlapping floor at offset Y=10
    	Set floor animation frame to 0
    Player is Not overlapping floor at offset Y=10
    	Set floor animation frame to 1

    yeah that solved the problem. thank you very much

  • ok, sorry this is simple but I'm still confused about it so help me out, please. I'm still learning

    1. I'm trying to make the floor(sprite) change its color if landed by the sprite. but nothing works.

    I'm trying using collision but I didn't work because there is no invert on it. overlapping is also didn't work although there is invert func on it. the last method that I tried is using the instance variable.

    the event sheet was like this:

    if "floor" instance variable equal to 0 = set floor animation frame to 0

    if "floor" instance variable equal to 1 = set floor animation frame to 1

    player is overlapping sprite10 = set "floor" instance variable to 1

    player is X overlapping sprite10 = set "floor" instance variable to 0

    anyone can help me?

  • hello, I know this has been discussed before but i just really cannot trust the old thread since this is already 2019. I plan to start making game for pc and now wonder which resolution is the best for it? what your best resolution? should i go for 1920x1080? or 1270x720?

  • hello, thanks for reply and sorry for late.

    here the capx: dropbox.com/s/dbnaohiklkw6si6/testleaderboard.c3p

    just want to provide more information, here the picture result

    the result this, nothing happen...attempt to log in but not.


  • I manage to get the in log in to the googleplay but the score display not showing. is there anyone can help me?

    it show log in but there is nothing happen after that.