Witheiz's Forum Posts

  • hello, I'm trying to make leaderboard right now and here i want to ask something about google properties on construct 3. Do i need fill it in order to make leaderboard work?

    like the app id(web), client id and app id? and where to find it? I already created the googgleplay services btw.

  • hello guys, just want to make sure if you want to make leaderboard work properly, so one of the requirement is make sure it the game is publish on googleplay?

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  • please, is there anyone kind enough to help me with this problem? I'm having hard time dealing with mobile advert.

    I should tell you that it's worked fine when it come to test ads mode. However when i'm trying using the real one, it not working properly. the banner and interstitial is not showing. Already put App ID, publisher id and even privacy policy link on the plugin properties.

    As for the capx, I'm doing like this:

    -On start of layout - Create banner advert, small portrait, show: true

    --on banner loaded - Show the current banner advert

    that same goes to interstitial but the only different is that is when On clicked not start of layout. it working on ads test but not the real one. am i missing something?

  • I already set publisher id, privacy url but now with the android application id. where do i find it? it is something like this com.game.android ?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Try dis scirra.com/tutorials/9696/simple-construct-2-admob-ads-working

    is admob even working in construct 3? and if possible i don't want to deal with cordoba.

  • already 4 hour, tried everything, read most forum regarding mobile advert but still no solution to this. Is there any good tutorial for installing mobile advert?

    I export my game on android with signed released apk and even tried on debug, the test mode is checked and still no ads showing.

    My capx is like this:

    -ON START ON THE LAYOUT = create banner advert - size: small landscape - Show false

    --is banner loaded = show the current banner.

    already put publisher id, android application id, and even the privacy policy link but still no ads show (ofcourse the test one..) and as for location dialogue i set to 'everywhere'.

    as for admob, I already set the payment info and even the provider of bloking control

    am I missing anything?

  • ok I already read most of forum post regarding this but none of it work or maybe I miss some of it, so I making this post to make it easier to get the answer straight away

    i try scale outer fullscreen using browser and even using properties on the left bar. but when I play it on phone, the notification or battery bar top of the phone still showing and it's not fullscreen. what exactly wrong with it? is there something I miss?

  • ah oops

    It worked now...thank you yoyo and tarek2...appreciate it. :D

  • yoyo i tried your method but the number keep increasing...

  • yoyo - i still don't understand, can you give me a example or anything?

    did you mean like this

    every tick - system: set LOCALVARIABLE value to sprite.self.variable?

    - set text to LOCALVARIABLE

    i tried every thing btw but result keep showing failed...

  • Anyone can help me with this? I make 10 copies of sprite with instance variable. but i want to set text to get the total of each sprite variable since each sprite variable will be randomize.(not clone)

    Every tick: set text to spritecount????? maybe?

    is there any method for this?

  • I try to export my game to android debug apk, but it's only working on 5.1+ not 7.1 or above...when i try to export it says "There is a problem parsing the package". can anyone help me regarding this?

  • I tried many method but it doesn't work at all. when sprite hit the solid, the movement was kind of fast when it suppose to be not. sometime it move different direction. It's work perfectly when using 8direction, but what i want to achieve is using touch controller, since i;m building this for mobile.

    This is one of the result, want the sprite to be stop moving but it move and for some reason it move fast where the speed suppose to be normal.

    I don't if this is normal or not but would like to have few word advise regarding this.

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