winkr7's Forum Posts

  • Game machines like RPG maker come with bundled assets and get you up and running right away. It would be very easy for Construct to go after the rpg maker market, it would just take bundled assets and some easy to follow examples specifically aimed at RPG 2d or 2.5d. A game engine without sound and graphic assets is hard to jump into.

  • Because your tiles are all the same object you have to be careful about the pool you are picking from. Create variables x,y and set x to xpicked-width,ypicked. Then below that you start all over with the tile pool since right now you only have one tile in it (the one you clicked). So you now want to start all over with just a coordinate and you want to find the tile that overlaps that coordinate from all the possible tiles out there. Pick all foo will make sure you can pick any foo. So do that and then pick the one that overlaps your point of interest.



  • If the player is going to destroy or alter the tile you can file specifices in a dictionary with key 22d44 say for tile at 22,44 once the ore is destroyed erase the entry from the dictionary. If the player does lots of tiles halfway you might not want to use a dictionary, but if it is sparse matrix, so to speak, it will work fine.

    If you need to know all kinds of things about the tile location store it as a string (even a json string).



  • If your bunch of sprites are all called Foo then set up a mouse event click on object. the object you want is foo. Once inside the mouse event you will have a single foo, so foo.x,foo.y is the middle of that sprite that was clicked. So the coordinates foo.x-foo.width,foo.y will be in the middle of the object (also a foo object) to the left of the one that was clicked. Find the foo object that overlaps this new coordinate and that is the foo object to the left of the foo object that was clicked.



  • When an instance is clicked get its coordinates (the center of the sprite). To get the instance to the left (as an example) subtract the width of the sprite from the x coordinate and pick a new instance that contains (overlaps) this new coodinate. For the one above you will subtract from the y coord etc.

    The crucial thing is you only get a single instance overlapping the new x,y. If your sprites overlap this won't work.



  • Not that I know of. There are probably scripting ways to do this that loop through all the variable names associated with sprites but it is more complicated than I understand. There are much better construct 3 people here who perhaps can answer your question.



  • Make a family that is all sprites with eq_variable. Then loop through that family with a counter. If eq_variable=1 add one to the counter. When you are done the value in the counter is the answer.


    write a function that given a sprite in the family it returns one iff eq_variable=1. Then pick all members of the family for which this functions is 1. Then pickedCount gives you the number of the sprites with eq_variable=1.



  • I have lots of layers. I never make the tile itself not passable, I have a tile for not passable water, one for not passable solid, etc. There is a tile map that is just various states of not passable--or extra fast like movement on a flat road. The tiles themselves are just for show and don't have properties. That layer could just as well be a big image.

    Things like flamable, cold, etc are properties on yet another tile sheet layer.



  • You probably want to use impulse not force.



  • This is the best for building any 2d app. But I am a construct 3 fan boy. Do a search on constrct3 metronome. Other people have worked on this from time to time.

    good luck



  • I am sure Construct 3 can do it, but it is probably more work than you might guess, getting the music to scroll by and changing 1/4 notes to eighth notes. I would start with just the basic metronome and see if you can get that to work. Set to different tics per minute etc.



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  • you mean like tic tok .. tic tok ... tic tok?

  • From time to time I see distortions in sprites at the edge of the view with the spherical effect. It steps through one of the animation frames and does something odd on that frame. So you are not alone.



  • The stone soup tile set is CC0

    It is a particular style, but there is lots of it (5000 tiles)

    I use aseprite to subset it.



  • Right, and tween doesn't have this problem.