Is anyone interested in c3 challenges/contests?

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  • Hey everyone,

    I thought, it could be fun to host a type of Olympics for construct 3. Like gamejams, but focused on very specific topics. In order to score, you simply have create a solution that solves the "problem". The solutions are then graded on performance, time to complete, and other merits.

    Example: (without using any behaviors) - Create an object, "A", that has the drag/drop behavior made through events. Create another object "B". Object B should accelerate towards object A on update, and then decelerate in order to arrive at A without overshooting it. Object B should use the following variables for acceleration, max speed, and deceleration - the contents of which must be loaded from a project file "ObjectBDictionary.json" (see format below)

    Anyone have any interest in participating?

  • It is interesting to repeat some mechanics using video as an example.

    A text assignment can always be understood in different ways.

    The toolkit should be complete, what you write without using behaviors turns the challenge into a programming competition. Competitive olympiad solutions are very rarely used in practice.

    I read your example assignment and realized that I am not interested in this kind of work at all.

  • Sounds like fun. But I like math and replicate behaviors with events anyways.

    There is value in working within constraints.

    Making an event based drag and drop is useful. I can think of two times at least where I had to do that since the behavior didn’t give sufficient control of when to drag and drop.

  • Cool idea. I like it.

  • I'm in.

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  • It is interesting to repeat some mechanics using video as an example.

    A text assignment can always be understood in different ways.

    But so long as it follows the letter, its all good. Usually though, you define the inputs that need to be handled and then define acceptable solutions. So if I give you a problem with an input and define acceptable outputs, so long as the output meets the criteria, is all good.

    The toolkit should be complete, what you write without using behaviors turns the challenge into a programming competition. Competitive olympiad solutions are very rarely used in practice.

    I mean, challenges are about, the challenge... so yeah... I agree, some challenges should use the whole toolkit, but the challenge still needs to be quantifiable.

    Of the second point, Okay, I disagree - knowing how to recreate the wheel is important and applicable... what of when the provided tools fail. Pathfinding doesn't allow you to iterate through the mesh yourself. The platformer behavior solves collisions in a very particular way that doesn't work with "soft ejection" found in most retro games. To build a clone of mario3, using the the built in platformer behavior won't help you. It solves the collisions all wrong and you won't be able to truly recreate how Mario interacts with solids. Every built in behavior will fail if you have specific needs it doesn't cover.

    I read your example assignment and realized that I am not interested in this kind of work at all.

    What types of challenges would you find enjoyable if you were participating?

  • I think group efforts that end with a useable addon of some kind are interesting. Like a hex based instead of square based tile system.

    But I am not interested in what you have suggested so far.



  • I'm in, let me know when you organize something

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