winkr7's Forum Posts

  • Naji;

    Good work. Simple understandable behaviors are always useful.




  • Hello;

    If a user clicks on my sprite he wants an info summary over at the side, and I want to show the current animation image of the sprite he clicked

    without moving the sprite over to the info area. So I need to leave the original sprite alone and just show its image again somewhere else.

    What is the easiest way to do this? Do I have to clone the sprite?

    thanks for your time

    yours winkr7

  • Thanks blackhornet

  • Hello;

    How do I exit a function part way through it? return Value? is there another way if I don't want to set a value and just want

    an early exit?

    does a function ever execute any code after the return value statement?

    thanks for your time.

  • Thanks Xavier. I can set a break point in every tick, so at least I know it works.

  • I own C2 the personel edition, but I can't set a breakpoint anywhere. "breakpoints cannot be set in triggered or looping branches" always pops up. can someone write me 5 lines of code where I can set a breakpoint (and tell me where to set it?). Maybe breakpoints don't work in the steam version?

    Do I have to be running in debug mode or something?

    thanks for your time.

  • Thankyou very much colludium. I will look this over.



  • newt. Thankyou for your comments, but I don't think we are thinking of the same thing. The plugin user defines the location of each sprite. Since a sprite and touch are both plugins, I suppose this plugin does interact with them, but just about every plugin does.

    I can see what you mean about dragging not being in touch, I suppoe you could detect which sprite the touch lifts off to pick the sprite of choice, perhaps with a collision detection box dummy object as you suggest.

    This kind of menu selection is ubiquitous in the phone app game world, so all of us doing it in events might not be the most efficient way to go about it.

    I appreciate your taking the time to comment.

  • When you put your finger on your phone in some games a menu of icons appears around it in a hexagonal or square pattern. You then slide your finger to the choice icon and it fires that choice and the menu vanishes. This happens for instance in "civilization" type games when you touch a unit and pick defend or repair or whatever.

    It is logically equivalent to a drop down menu.

    This plugin would accept a sprite for each choice and where they appear relative to an origin x,y usually a circular clockwise arrangment of choices. The plugin fires the choice with an "on choice" type function and the sprites vanish or fade.

    thanks for your time.

  • rexrainbow;

    Great. I can use this as my "distance" measure.

    Thanks for your time and help.

  • Thankyou rexrainbow. By the way, is there a way to get the nearest chess (by nearest in terms of total SLGmovement cost) that meets a function SLGcriterion? Ie whats the ChessUID of the nearest Chess that has a value of at least 20 from the function SlgCriterion (excluding any chess at the Origin) This kind of tells the AI where is the nearest weak monster? It could also tell the AI things like where is the nearest (0r furthest) monster that uses ranged combat.

    Thankyou for you time.

    I think the plugins are great!

  • rexrainbow;

    I think I found a minor bug in Board in "Pick Neighbor chess origin to direction". In Hex mode if I use -2 (for direction) and lower or 6 and higher I get a crash error. It is fine for direction, -1 to 5 inclusive (and I love -1 which picks all 6!!!).

    I am new so maybe I should have posted this somewhere else.

    Anyway--its a great addon.

    thankyou for your time

  • Great, thanks balckhornet.

  • I tried all the permutations i could think of. How do I get a value back from a function that uses set return value?

    Here is picture of the error I get in my call to the "getit" function which returns a single number via set return value.

    Thanks for your time.

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  • Hundredfold I appreciate the suggestion, but it is an XSquare variable--I think the problem has to do with how to compare one XSquare with many XSquare--how does it know to limit the first to one single instance and then the next reference to XSquare is every other instance?

    But thanks for you comment.